Sunday, 29 March 2009
Black Beauty
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Hello All.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Blogiversary and 100 posts means a GIVE AWAY!

Helloooooo to all my lovely blogger friends out there. It's lovely to be with you all today, because today is my 100th post! Yes it is...Really!
Yes, it is what you think it is. A CROCHET CHRISTMAS TREE! Aren't they fantastic! I just love them. I want one sooooo badly.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Lucy planted the seed!
Then I remembered what I should really be doing!
Best sign off now and go and get on with it!
Bye x
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Ears and Tails.
I like the shape of these two best. Sorry they are laid down. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Which ears do you like?
You see I can't be happy with the first simple painted ears, oh no, I have to then have a go at stitched fabric ones! I told you I can never make anything simple! Which do you like?
The base is hand embroidered by yours truly to give the impression of the bunny standing in a meadow or a patch of flowers.
The usual little love heart on the bobtail.
This is the embroidery on the natural coloured linen. I really enjoy hand embroidery. Do you like the natural colour?
In case you were wondering,I haven't stopped making the button jointed bunnies. I've made another 9!
Some of these are destined for a lovely lady who contacted me and asked if she could sell them through her mail order company! Well as you can imagine I was extremely flattered and very excited. So very shortly half a dozen of these little bunnies will be carefully packaged up and sent off on a new adventure.
Talking of new adventures... I've just volunteered to teach primary school children how to knit at our local village school. I have a meeting with the Head on Friday, so keep your fingers crossed. If any of you have any suggestions for very simple items that can be knitted by children, I'd be happy to hear them!
Right I better go now as #1 will be home any minute baying for food!
Hoping to maybe have a celebration giveaway shortly as I'm nearly at my 100th post. See you all soon.
Love, Fi x