Here's my latest offering.
A new MarmaladeRose handbag.

pretty fabrics, some happily recycled.

Lots of gorgeous gross grain ribbon.
And more machine embroidery! Sparkly multicoloured thread this time!

Yes it's another handbag, but something a little different for me I think you'll agree.
Not my usual colour choice but this vintage (is it vintage if its a good 30 years old? Surely it must be!) needle cord was so pretty and really quite a practical choice for a handbag.
But do you know what the most exciting bit is?

and that also means I'm going to have to get my act together and blog more frequently too!

Yes it's another handbag, but something a little different for me I think you'll agree.
Not my usual colour choice but this vintage (is it vintage if its a good 30 years old? Surely it must be!) needle cord was so pretty and really quite a practical choice for a handbag.
But do you know what the most exciting bit is?
No...it's not the snow.
Try again.
I've finally...after being registered for months and months...
very own
(dance a little wiggle)
Check out that shiny new badge at the top of my sidebar!
(No, really! Check out that badge. It took me a good 30 minutes to find out how to put that up there! pah!)
Well you know what this means don't you girls?
I'm certainly going to have to 'up' my 20 minutes a day if I'm going to keep it fresh and interesting!

and that also means I'm going to have to get my act together and blog more frequently too!
Well, we crafty girls do like to share our makes don't we?
So hopefully there'll be steam coming from my sewing machine and smoke coming from my keyboard!
Let's hope you can keep up, teehee!
love Folksy Fi x