Hello all.
Lovely to be back from my little break away from blogging. Today I thought we could catch up with some of my recent 'woolly doings'. I've had a complete break from sewing over the last 2 or 3 weeks but I've not been idle.
We've had lots of lovely days out here in the stunning Yorkshire Dales National Park. We didn't have far to travel from home, a few miles down the road (and over a hill) and we found this delicious spot down by the river.
Wonderful Man dashed off to explore the opposite side of the riverbank (thats him in the distance, the grass is always greener, lol) and I settled down to a spot of knitting.
Another day and over another couple of hills to...
another beautiful spot, Malham Cove.
More picnicing and more knitting! Gosh it's exhausting being on holiday.
And more woolly stuff still...
this is my local knit and natter group
This is my lovely friend Anne showing my mum how to spin.
She was far better than me at it. I have no co-ordination at all.
But one thing I can do is crochet!
In fact we've all been knitting and crocheting bits and bobs to yarnbomb Jenny's little wool shop ready for the school holidays.
All the ladies were keen to help stitch the 2 meter long woolly creation on to the bar across Past and Presents window.
What do you think? We have designs on that rather bare drainpipe too, lol.
Lots of dangly stuff to put smiles on little peoples faces.
Lots of flowers and a duckling or two...
crochet birdies, wiggly worms and a smiley sunshine. Lets hope that birdy is not of the 'early' type!
a goldfish, pansy and a ladybird too.
Well it gave all of us a giggle anyway, we're a happy little bunch. Sylvie, Louise, me, Janet, Jenny and Patricia is taking the photo.
There has also been a bit of blanket making and ...
who could resist knitting these teeny tiny booties! Certainly not me.
I've just finished crocheting together these yummy granny squares made by my dad, he's not a fan of the putting-together part, mind you... neither am I, lol. It took me all evening to join the granny squares and edge them and I've calculated there must have been 320 tail ends to weave in.
But the thing I'm most proud of at the moment is this bit of knitting.
My first pair of socks! WHOOHOO! I love em! Don't want to take them off. They're not perfect but I'm thrilled with them especially as I'm not really a knitter!
Ah well that's just about it from me today. I have more tales to come including a lost homing pigeon that seems to have adopted us and some pictures of the worlds smallest art gallery. See excitement is us, lol. next time
love Fi x