It's 8:43am. I'm trying to write this before I go to work, because when I write my blog in an evening I'm sooo darn tired; and that means, quite frankly, you're not getting the best of me. When I go back and read some of my old posts, it makes me realise how concise, short and to the point they are. Not that I want to waffle you understand, but I want you to get to know me, my personality. This is a double edge sword of course, you may not like me deep down, but I feel I'm not being true to myself. Gosh, that's all starting to sound very deep. (and deep I'm not) I'm tempted to go back and delete this whole paragraph now. Nope, I'm gonna be brave.
So here's to the new me or the real me anyway ( I'll try my best)
Now I must tell you all, of my fantastic weekend. On Saturday morning wonderful man and I said goodbye to our children (my lovely parents had travelled up 120 miles to look after them for us) and set off for Scotland.
Neither of us have ever been to Scotland before and to be honest I wasn't sure we were going to get there this time as either, as the destination wonderful man had typed into the computer was only the nearest large town, not the remote castle we were headed for! But hey ho, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the scenery was fabulous. WM was in a good mood, which was surprising really as we were late setting off and I hadn't zipped up the suitcase in the hall way. Yep you guessed it, he picked it up and every thing fell out! Whoops! (yes he really is a wonderful man)
Two hours and several text messages requesting directions later and we arrived here

This is
Comlongon Castle near Dumfries. The venue for the wedding of my best friends sister.

Isn't it beautiful? This is the view from the grounds at the back. The weather behaved itself beautifully. Just as well really, as the wedding ceremony took place in the garden under a lovely old tree.
Yep. That's me. In THE dress. You know the one, the dress that was impossible to find matching accessories for!!!
The bride was radiant, the groom very handsome in his kilt, the vicar was funny
and the bridesmaids look gorgeous in their purple gowns. Here I am with my best friend. We've been best friends since the age of 13 and practically lived in each others pocket through our teenage years. Consequently I feel like one of the family and have always been treated that way. I feel truly privileged to have been part of their special celebration, and I love them all deeply.

Here's the bride flashing the
garter I made for her. Saucy minx!
And here are the shoes I had to dye and the bag I made. By the early hours of the morning my stockings had a lovely greeny blue tinge to them, but by then nobody cared, least of all me.

No, I had a smashing time.
So wonderful man and I would just like to wish the bride and groom a future full love and happiness. Oh! and we also wish they would book the castle for their first wedding anniversary, and invite all their guests back again to celebrate it with them... I'll be the first there!
I must just tell you all, that its now 8:15pm; So much for my early morning blogging, needless to say, I was late for work!
I'll finish with some pics of the castle.
Fi x

WM's choice of subject matter, 3 mummified cats found walled up, when they were doing renovation work to the castle.