I just thought I'd share my good news with you all. Yesterday I got a phone call from David who owns the
Fatsheep shop in Reeth, over in Swaledale. I'll just explain for those of you farther flung than Yorkshire. Far from selling fat sheep, the Fatsheep shop is a lovely little gift shop, that only sells items handmade in the Yorkshire Dales.
Well David phoned me yesterday to say that he had sold some of the items I had made and to ask me if I would like to make some more! YIPEE! I was so excited I was dancing around the kitchen!
Just to explain, these are the first craft items I've sold in a shop! Wonderful man and I only dropped them off last month. It was quite scary taking them down there. Would they be good enough? Would they be too kitsch and twee? Would David and Judy just laugh in my face, and say 'you must be joking?' NO! Not at all!
I've sold the embroidered felted bag. A lady even asked if they had another as she wanted one for a gift!(Unfortunately I only made one.)
(sorry, fuzzy photo!)

And this crochet bunny.
Some of these embroidered hearts

And all but one of my tiny embroidered teddies! (hiding in the basket)

I was soooo excited. I was the best phone call I've had for a long time. And it's not the money, although that's fantastic too. Its the fact that other people actually like what I make!
So full of new creative enthusiasm today, I made myself a new handbag!
NO, I'm not that skinny! It's modelled by child #2
Its made from a felted woollen fabric, appliqued and embroidered and has brown shot satin lining and brown leather handles, which were as fiddly as hell to make! It's not my usual colour choice, but I needed something casual to fling over my shoulder when I'm wearing jeans and what seems to be my usual brown top at the moment.
Well I hope your weekend was as good as mine. Till next time. Fi x