You may have noticed on your recent visits to my blog, a pretty rainbow up there at the top of my sidebar on the right saying Crochet a rainbow.This is a link to Sarah Londons lovely yarny blog asking for help for the victims of the recent Australian floods.

For a few weeks now I've wanted to help in some tiny way but didn't quite know what to do. I'd see other blogs asking for quilt blocks to be made and another asking for a sewing kits for the women who had lost theirs in the flood waters but I knew as much as wanted to help, realisticly I would never get around to making these items.
There were lots of good intentions but you know what it's like.

Then I discovered 'Crochet a Rainbow'.
All Sarah was asking for was to crochet some granny squares no bigger than 5 rounds. You don't even have to sew them together, just post them to Sarah and she would do the rest.
I knew I could fit this in here and there. A granny here and a granny there and HeyPresto a lovely bundle of grannies ready to be posted off to Sarah ready to be made in to blankets.
Why not snatch a few minutes here and there and do a bit of grannying yourself.
It feels soooooo good to granny for the good of others.
Go could have completed the first round whilst reading this!

Staying on the same thread. I've been doing a spot of knitting. I must admit that's not something you'll hear me say very often as I'm not a very keen knitter, but I couldn't resist these little sandels.

And as there is a baby due a next-door-but-one how could I not give them a go. These little shoes are to fit 3 month upwards, so I decided a practical denim blue colour might be best,
but what if it's a girl?

Then I'll add some little crochet primroses.

Pleeeeeeeaaase let it be a GIRL!