Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Patchwork Finished, 2008 Finished.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Stitch in the Ditch.

Wednesday, 24 December 2008
It's Almost Upon Us!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Christmas Wrapping.
Talking of pets, I thought you might like to see Sneaky Dogs latest 'favourite' spot.
This is another favourite spot.
In front of the fire. The head end is a bit blurry as there was the important business of bone chewing to be done.
On the subject of important business, I've been wrapping Christmas presents.
And I've thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I love brown paper and try to recycle as much of my gift wrapping as possible.
For example, my mum always wraps my gifts with beautiful ribbon, which I squirrel away to reuse another year.
These silky ready cut strands use to be a tassel on a cushion. They fell out in clumps and now have a second life as the little strings for my gift tags.
I like to make my own gift tags if possible, and one of my best craft investments is my tag shaped punch. Another little recycling tip is to cut those little folding gift tags (like the gold one above) in half, so you have twice as many. This can also be done with pretty gift tags received from other people (like the holly wreath one), cut off the used part and just write on the back of what used to be the front.
Adding peel off stickers and ribbon to plain tags makes them more personal and can help to co-ordinate the look.
Here are three little boxes I made from scrap booking papers, stacked and tied together with gingham ribbon and a little tinkly bell. To finish off, a homemade gift tag.
Or maybe... I just like faffing!
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Manky Cat.

Monday, 8 December 2008
We had a very quiet, homey weekend, which I admit is my favourite kind. We still had far too much icy snow left over from Thursday, which wasn't surprising as there must have been a good 5 inches. Saturday was spent finishing the Christmas decorations and pottering.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Christmas preparations and a little of the white stuff.
When I got home from work the children had brought the Christmas decorations down from the attic. (No school today, the school bus couldn't get through the snow) And it appears to be my job every year to undo all the branched on the tree, (yawn!) and wrap the lights around,(yawn!) then the children decorate it (much excitement!).