I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!

Next is Chipping Norton and keeping the yarn theme going Wonderful Man spotted this as we got out of the car (as you can see I have him well trained)...
A little bit of yarn bombing. You may remember I've dabbled in a little bit of guerrilla crochet myself in the past.
And then further along a little bit more guerrilla knitting.
and the more we looked, the more we found. Check out the duck feet at the bottom of the post.
Unexpected chunks of woollyness all over the high street.
The cheeky mistress of the yarn had even been here in this cafe window too. And do you know how I know it was a 'mistress' as opposed to a 'master' at work? Well Wonderful Man spotted her speedily stitching a piece onto a bollard!
It turns out the lady in question is the lovely PetaX who you can find on Ravelry. Chipping Norton love Peta's yarn storming after several articles in the local paper had brought the phantom yarn bombing to light. Peta's current yarny exploits had been requested by the local theatre company to guide the route to the theatre and their latest production. OO! It makes you feel all warm inside doesn't it? I must apologise for having no photo of Peta in action, I can't believe I didn't get a snap of her in action, I was so cross with myself when I got back in the car and realised.
I must just mention an absolutely scrummy little shop in Chipping Norton, RosieB's, full of the prettiest gifts and vintage gorgeousness. The lovely lady behind the counter assured me that she would have a website up and running in a couple of weeks. Now then, I'd love to share the web address of this pretty shop with you but at the moment the little card with the info on seems to have been misplaced, a bit like the 7 balls of cream yarn I'm missing!

Edited to add. Rosie B's website is www.rosiebinteriors.co.uk