Isn't this beautiful? A wild flower meadow.
Wonderful mans parents came to stay at the weekend. It's the first time since we moved here. They may never want to visit again after we walked them for miles and climbed millions of steps. Ok so the millions of steps is a slight exaggeration, but that must be what it felt like to a retired couple who live in a bungalow in uber flat East Yorkshire!
We started by taking them to see the Buttertubs on the
Buttertubs Pass. My photos don't do them justice, they're really deep limestone potholes. I'm a big scaredy cat, and cringe when ever anyone peers over the edge, as you can see by my photo, I'm way over behind the fencing taking the pics while wonderful man and his parents impersonate mountain goats!

The weather here on Sunday was wonderful, just how June should be, gloriously sunny and warm, with blue skies and fluffy white clouds with flat bottoms. No coats needed today, no jumpers, no cardigans, just t-shirts and sunglasses. Our first port of call was Aysgarth. This photo is taken from the car park looking down over Saint Andrews church. We walked down through the churches grave yard, complete with rabbits and sheep,

and down lots of steps to...

the high falls, apparently this is the waterfall where Robin Hood Prince of Thieves starring Kevin Costner was filmed, well the fight scene with Robin and Little John anyway. We carried on through a woodland walk

and down more steps to the middle falls
and then back up these steps
and on to the lower falls...down more steps.
where we find the lower falls. Here you can walk along side the river over the rocks stopping to peer in hundreds of small round rock pools.
Now here's a very important picture...

my lunch! It was delicious, that salad bowl must have contained my 'five a day' for a week!
Then on to Bolton Castle, where there are lots more steps, and yes, we climbed them all!
Right to the top, out on to the roof!
I love this picture, all the stonework, all the little nooks and crannies. The windows of blue sky and the green ferns growing out of the walls.
Back down at the bottom we took a walk through the village, viewing some 'open gardens', along the way

At this point I must apologise to my inlaws for walking their little legs off! I'm sure they'll think twice before visiting again. I just wanted to share all this loveliness with them.