Hello ladies,
I'm sooo excited and I couldn't wait to show you my latest project. I'm soooooooo pleased with the way it turned out. I'll try and calm down a little bit so that I can type without having to backspace every other tippity tap!
Look! Look! Look at that little pool of thick cream that has trickled down the pudding and gathered on the plate.
Sorry about all that, but I'm feeling terribly, terribly smug. I wasn't expecting it to turn out so well. In fact I wasn't sure I could do it at all!
Thank you for letting me share my excitement with you.
Hmmm... I wonder if I can remember how to make another one?
Oh wow, that is totally awesome and very realistic, cream and all.
mmmmmmm yumee, bring on Christmas.
You deserve to be excited, I know I would be....xox
That looks good enough to eat!
Julie x
Ohhh, it's so cute. i could eat it! Well done, Fi, another fab creation that's too good to eat!
Hen x
Lovely Pud! I especially like the generosity with the cream!
Wow!! That is just so amazing!!
All that pud and cream and non fattening too! It's fabulous - I want one!
That really is fab!x
it looks gorgeous! funny, I just got a knitting pattern for a life size pud! we should have a christmas pud blog day! nearer christmas of cours!!! lol maxine
So deliciously authentic darling. I really did think it was edible when I saw the first photo. You have every right to feel chuffed with yourself.
I think it's fabulous!
Fiona you are just so clever - it is realistic and good enough to eat. What are the berries made of?
how brilliant is that,how clever!
Thats just amazing! I could not believe my eyes!! Be as smug as you like, its brilliant!!
Julia xxx
Well done you, I am feeling very creative at the moment too!
I love the holly and the cream dribbling down the sides, you are so clever...
x Alex
Very nice "pudding". love your blog.
That is wonderful and the perfect Christmas pudding for our house where everything edible seems to disappear into the pit that is my 13 year olds stomach!
Wow That's really cool I love it.
you have every right to feel smug.
lovely, want one right now, but to eat!
As all of your other creations....that is sooooo pretty!!! OMG what a cute item to display on a class plate for a xmass decoration...looks so yummy!
I is so fun to check in and see what you are always up to...:)
Wow, that is amazing! It honestly looks real. New to your blog so I'm off for a read through x
That IS delightful! Good for you!
I love the way the cream oozes onto the plate. it makes you want to scoop it up with a finger! Pj x
I love your Christmas pud and the cream dripping on the plate is great! By coincidence I made a teacosy pudding before Christmas but trimmed the bottom of mine with a lace doiley you can see a photo on my blog. I made it up as I went along, but friends have asked for the pattern so I have to try and remember how to do it!
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