Now to share something else...I've been wanting a Union Jack cushion for a long time now and I was determined to make it myself.

I rummaged through my fabric stash for something suitable, didn't have enough matching ribbon but I think it turned out ok anyway.

Do you recognise the blue check fabric?

Well put it this way, many of you mums won't have to wash any of this fabric for another 6 weeks!
Do you recognise the blue check fabric?
Well put it this way, many of you mums won't have to wash any of this fabric for another 6 weeks!
I think next time we need to catch up with some cupcakeyness! Don't you?
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!! It's fab and so so pretty. And I really love the cupcakes too! You clever lady!
Very lovely...and even though it's totally different, it sits well with the other lovely cushions.
Thanks for giving me a lovely idea!
My 11 year old daughter finished Primary School today, the last of my 4 children to go through our village school. So today is a mix of sadness (mine) and excitement (hers). Thrown to one side on her bedroom floor is her summer school uniform dress. Guess what I am going to do with it? A lovely keepsake to sit on her bed ( or mine if shes fed up with it!)
Thankyou!!!! Jill
Thats a great little cushion! Those cupcakes look utterly delicious, thank goodness they are calorie free!
Cupcakeyness sounds good to me Fiona - if they tast half as good as they look I want one! Lovely to meet you both in the flesh, so to speak - hope we meet again before long. Wonder how you feel today after all the rain - here we have had four inches in twenty four hours, how about you up there almost on the watershed? Hope the children got back from school before the flood waters took over that valley.
That's beautiful, I wish my cushions looked that professional! The school my eldest is going to has blue and white checked dresses so maybe I'll get to recycle one in future ;)
Cupcakes looking great!
Mel xxx
I love it! I will have to have a go at a Union Jack cushion - I have the perfect place for one!!
I love it. I too was thinking of trying out a Union Jack cushion so now I know how to do it! I wanted to do one with the Union Jack on one side and the Tricolour (much easier to do!) on the other as a gift for a French friend. You have inspired me to get on and do it!
Can't wait to see the cupcakes too.
Oh it's so countryfied and pretty and those cupcakes are adorably edible!
I have to try the Union Jack cushion. What a great idea
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