Saturday 18 July 2009



I've been stitch, stitch, stitching.
. Cutting, stuffing and trimming.
.Quite a bit.

All calorie free, but still scrummy.

Ok... Who took one?...


Lisa said...

O, soooo Lovely.....How sweet they are!!!!! You are just one busy Bee...:)

marble rose said...

They are truly lovely- very clever! I want one !!!!!


Colette said...

They look wonderful. So much detail. Hope you have a really lovely summer holiday.

Bit sad when they get older as they don't want to do things with you anymore. Off doing there own thing or working.

Ho Hum, shouldn't grumble x

The Weaver of Grass said...

They are so realistic Fiona - I had
not realised until this post that they were not real. Good job I didn't nip in a steal one to eat - I would have had a nasty rude awakening. I thought it such a good idea that you had made little cotton cake cases to put them in!

Diane said...

They are so realistic!!

Michela said...

Yum yum! If I could have one...!!!
Really lovely!

Rubyred said...

Love your Union Jack cushion in the last post!The cupcakes are gorgeous, 0 calories too!
Rachel x

Serenata said...

Lovely - just the sort of cakes my hubby needs!

Shabby Chick said...

Oops you caught me, sorry they were too scrummy! ;)

They look wonderful xxx

Come Away With Me said...

They really do look good enough to eat!

Kar said...

Completely adorable!

Pink Feather Paradise said...

The icing is soooooo effective... you are a clever bunny!

x Alex

Anonymous said...

You are indeed a clever one and i just bet you have loads of patience. Very Sweet xox

noelle said...

wow, good enough to eat!!

icandy... said...

Oh my gosh!! These are too cute, as well!! Ok, I'll just take a bite out of one of these! :)

Christina :)

AC said...

they look yummy enough to eat:-)

Lynne said...

Wow, they're scrumptious. Good enough to eat.

BT said...

Oh how utterly truly scrumptious. It wasn't me, honestly, but I wish I could take one. Fabulous.

Cathy said...

I love these cupcakes!!!!! I have been experimenting with felt cookies lately and the thoughts of making cupcakes have been simmering in my mind.You have inspired me. I love to go into my daughter Charlotte's bedroom and see her little tea table set up with the felt cookies on her china plates.

All your work is so very lovely.

Tiffany Ervin said...

Do you have an Etsy shop or sell these? Would love to purchase them for gift giving, they are sooo cute!! Love it!

folksmith said...

I love your cupcakes. Do you have a pattern for these? They look good and real enough to eat. Thanks!

Little Blue Mouse said...

These are so realistic, the piped cream on top is fantastic!

A modo mio... said...

Sono bellissimi questi dolcetti!!!
Brava ciao Vanna

Janice Kay Schaub said...

I love the cupcakes. Just the thing to go on my two layer cake stand on my dining table. I wonder how long they take to do? They are awesome