Hello lovely ladies. Are you all hexed out yet?
can you manage another session of floral 6 sidedness?

and we're talking
a lot of hexagons here, in fact were talking more hexagons than I had envisaged due to a mistake made with my cushion pad order!

Yep! I counted 92 little seams stitched, with a bit of lace thrown in for good measure.

It came as a bit of a shock when after stitching all my hexagons together I ripped open the parcel containing my new cushions to find a whopping great big 20"x24" cushion where there should have been a much smaller one.

Well you know what they say, 'If you've got lemons, make lemonade', so I got the fabric and scissors back out and added even more hexagons to make my cushion front large enough. Here it is ready to have a nice cotton backing attached to cover up all those patched raw edges. I can't bare having an untidy backside...if you get my meaning.

All that is left is my ta-daa moment so are you ready...


As is often the case, I rather like the backside too!
love fi x
Well, you made very good lemonade from those lemons!
I am particularly fond of the fabric on backside - it is very similar to the fabric I used to make curtains on my kitchen pantry doors.
Great idea for your new hexy cushions Fi.......
Don't fancy too many of 'those' sort of surprises my self, but it turned out well.
I like a nice tidy backside too........
I'm sure they'll find new homes quick sticks.
Claire :}
Inspiring gorgeous!!! x x
Yes lots of bloggers are making hexy things.I will have to have a go.x
Great cushion - just love all those wonderful fabrics.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
Those are lovely and so pretty with the lace trim. Really like the back fabric on the last photo such pretty roses. dee x
Those are lovely and so pretty with the lace trim. Really like the back fabric on the last photo such pretty roses. dee x
Lovely. Sorry not to be coming to see you today - but ice makes it impossible. See you soon.
Beautiful cushion.
love those cushions - can you put up the link to where you got your cusion pads from as I really need to change my pads as well as covers!!!!
Oooh, such a lovely combination of lace and quilting. I have tons of vintage lace and doilies - they would be a great addition to a quilted piece! I wonder if my cats would go after it....
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