Hello my lovelies. I just have to share my this wonderful moment with you. I was just having a click about online as you do when your putting off actually doing some work; when I popped over to take a look a
Channels 4's, Kirsties Homemade Home website.
Nothing particularly wonderful in that, I hear you cry...
but take a closer look to the right of Kirsties chin dear friends. The third and fourth picture on the 'Rate My Homemade Crafts User Gallery' are MY little crocheted house and MY granny blanket!
Then scroll a little further down the page on the right and there again,
MY crochet granny blanket! Yahooooo! Skippety skip!
Ah, my heart leaped for joy.
That really cheered me up especially as my spirits were a bit low this morning...
We've had to have a our beautiful old wooden beam removed from the fire place in the lounge and most of the plaster with it :(
What a mess!
Never mind, every cloud and all that...
love, a very much cheered up fi x
Wow - that's great news - I popped over to look and your gorgeous cupcakes are in the gallery too - well done Fi! Hope the fireplace is soon back to working order.
What a wonderful surprise Fi. Fame eh? Oh and of course we can all now tell everyone we are your friends :-) Enjoy your 15 mins of fame Fi :-)
A x
Your BEAUuuuuuutiful blanket has been up there since at least May last year! You, your blanket (of course) and the pretty little house gifted to Lucy were the whole reason I had to learn to Crochet. I finished my first Marmalade Rose inspired blanket earlier this year. Thank You for your wonderful inspiration. ax.
Oh congrats :) You must be delighted. What are you doing with your fireplace, looking forward to seeing it finihsed
All things nice...
Well done! Did you see Kirsties attempt at crochet? A bit feeble really.
I hope you get your lounge sorted out soon, it's no fun to have bits of plaster everywhere.
Cor! Well done you! Wasn't it good to have her back on our screens last night? Lots of love, Amanda xxx
Congratulations! Great news!
I can imagine your delight. Well done. They are gorgeous. :)
Congratulations - well deserved I'd say.
Wowser! Good for you and what a fantastic compliment - and so you should! ;)
Hi Rose. How exciting for you. I voted you five stars. I expecially love the beautiful green background color you used.
Wow, well done Fi, you deserve it, I love your pieces, and especially covet a little house. Perhaps you could make one to sell to me, pretty please, though I understand you are now famous so I might not be able to afford you...!
Hen x
hey thats brilliant!! well done you!
Ahhhh sorry you didnt know I shouldve told you I saw it last week, well deserved. When I saw your crochet and recognised it I uploaded some of my photos too and am enjoying watching the ratings!
Heather x
Fully deserved Fiona - your ability to make things is fantastic - I wish I could see you making a really good living at it - maybe this is the start.
Why have you had that lovely beam removed? I seem to think you were not happy with it when I came to tea.
Who's a clever girl then ? It is much deserved hon, well done you x
Goodness, how exciting, you'll be too good for us soon!
Wow, how exciting, your blanket is lovely though and deserves to be included.
Ann x
Wow! How exciting.....
Well done you hunny!
Big congrats
Karen x x x
What a thrill for you! I bet you went all tingly and had to keep having a look! I know I would have!!! Did you get your little green package?
What a wonderful surprise indeed, and one well deserved.
Your creations are more than delightful xx Sandi
Well done! I was on there the other day, saw your blanket and thought isn't that gorgeous! Didn't realise it was yours at the time though! :) x
Fantastic news, thats great
Sue x
Oh my goodness. Your crafting is famous! That must have made you feel absolutely wonderful! Congratulations!!!!
It's not surprising though, that little house is truly adorable.
wow what an awesome delight, and I bet you felt so proud too, well done my lovely x
Wow fabulous, but then I've always loved that blanket of yours.
Brilliant and well deserved !!
Twiggy x
wow...i alway's knew there was a little star lurking in there somewhere...lynnie
Thats brilliant! I will go and have a look now :) I loved homemade home this week, it is one of my favourite shows :) xxx
Congratulations!!!! I wondered whether it was yours...
Having only just been able to receive UK tv, I've been avidly catching up on Kirstie's adventures...so I was chuffed to bits to find out one of my bloggy friends was mentioned!!!
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