Here's my latest offering.
A new MarmaladeRose handbag.

pretty fabrics, some happily recycled.

Lots of gorgeous gross grain ribbon.
And more machine embroidery! Sparkly multicoloured thread this time!

Yes it's another handbag, but something a little different for me I think you'll agree.
Not my usual colour choice but this vintage (is it vintage if its a good 30 years old? Surely it must be!) needle cord was so pretty and really quite a practical choice for a handbag.
But do you know what the most exciting bit is?

and that also means I'm going to have to get my act together and blog more frequently too!

Yes it's another handbag, but something a little different for me I think you'll agree.
Not my usual colour choice but this vintage (is it vintage if its a good 30 years old? Surely it must be!) needle cord was so pretty and really quite a practical choice for a handbag.
But do you know what the most exciting bit is?
No...it's not the snow.
Try again.
I've finally...after being registered for months and months...
very own
(dance a little wiggle)
Check out that shiny new badge at the top of my sidebar!
(No, really! Check out that badge. It took me a good 30 minutes to find out how to put that up there! pah!)
Well you know what this means don't you girls?
I'm certainly going to have to 'up' my 20 minutes a day if I'm going to keep it fresh and interesting!

and that also means I'm going to have to get my act together and blog more frequently too!
Well, we crafty girls do like to share our makes don't we?
So hopefully there'll be steam coming from my sewing machine and smoke coming from my keyboard!
Let's hope you can keep up, teehee!
love Folksy Fi x
WOW, WOW, WOW, a beautiful post starting with that beautiful image across the fields. Cold it may be, gorgeous it is.
Your bags are just wonderful and
congratulations on your Folksy shop. I hope it goes well for you.
Hey Fi, congrats on opening your shop,I'm sure it will be a huge success.
Your new bags look fab and the sparkly metallic thread really gives the flowers a lift.
Love the snow photo, seems like just yesterday we were looking at photos from last Winter. Time certainly flies.
We're doing our drowned rat impersonations here, after another weeeeeet weekend.
Thanks for popping over for a visit, lovely to hear from you as always.
Claire X
What a wonderful image.
Your creations are beautiful.
Fiona those bags are gorgeous I love your work you are one very talented lady! Just love the ribbon and the label too :)
Heather x
Well you certainly deserve to do well with your shop if these beautiful creations are anything to go by. Love both bags and the detail on them is stunning. You will surely thaw any snow surrounding you with the heat of your production making more things to sell!
Hi Fiona. Your handbags are, as always beautiful. I keep thinking about the doll you made and posted about, the other day. She was so very lovely. Will you be making more for your shop? Hope you do REALLY well with it. I'm popping over now. Lots of love, Amanda xxx
I really like your bags and the pretty hearts. And well done you for opening a little Folksy shop. Will it be 60 minuters? If so I'm in!!!
Congrtulations on opening the shop! Love the bags, so lovely.
We still haven't got any snow, it seems to be going round us. It's still extremely cold though. My toes have been numb for the last week!
Hello Fiona! Congratulations and good luck for your shop! You are going to do great because you make so beautiful and unique things! I managed to start my tiny shop short while ago - so I know it takes many 30 minutes to fix everything...and still does!
Your bags are fantastic like sweet hearts, too! And I love your feltings!
Sunny wishes from Crete! Teje
How lovely are those!! Wonderful!
Good luck with Folksy, you deserve it!
Take care
Gorgeous, gorgeous bags!!
Good luck with your little shop! :)
Vivienne x
Good luck with the shop and well done for mastering the technology! Totally agree with you - pah! Love the little hearts you're showing there.
Oh such lovely bags and goodies - I hope they fly off the Folksy shelves. I think Wipso and I may consider it in January. We have such a lot of fab stuff and craft fairs just don't seem to be the answer. Anyway we are adding extra stock to our blog shop -Sisters Crafty Creations tomorrow so maybe some of it will be snapped up for Christmas pressies (ever positive!)
Beautiful, especially the cord bag.
Carol xx
Hi Fi,
Huge congrats on the new shop. I wish you the very best of luck with it and as Twiglet said we really must consider it soon. We have oodles of fab stuff that we really must get out there.
A x
Another fun visit for me. I loved the detailed close ups of your purse building. I may actually take a look at some patterns an actually try to work from one.
Beautiful bags, Fi, I'm so impressed. Beautiful view, too. I just wanted to say I was thinking about you the other day, because I realised it was joining your 20-minuters that started me off on this craft lark. It has totally changed my life Fi, and I really can't thank you enough. I wonder how many others have had their lives transformed by such a simple commitment?
Your makes are beautiful as always. Lots of luck with the Folksy shop, I'm sure it will do well, i'm off over there for a nosey.
Kandi x
Wow Fi
Your handbags are so lovely. You are really clever.
On day i`ll have one.
Love Carole from Rossendale xxx
Congratulations on the Folksy shop, hope it all goes well! I love the handbags, they are so pretty! :) x
Those bags are so lovely!
congratulations on opening your shop!And good luck with it.
OOhhh and then the photo at the beginning of this post......So gorgious!!!!!
Congratulations on the Folksy shop - hope it goes well. Those bags are gorgeous and hopefully will be under someones tree this Xmas.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the second bag! Seriously, seriously tempted!!
Was thinking about your bead dilemma and looked on ebay. If you type in red bead necklace, you get quite a few results. Just putting in red beads doesn't seem to bring much up. Don't know if it helps. Lovely view by the way. Dev
I love, love, love your blog! Your work is amazing! I live in Indianapolis Indiana and so wish I could travel to visit you! I make purses and my work is a little like some of what you create. You can see my work on Facebook. My business is "Sister Jane". I'm Holly McCoin. I'm inspired by all that you do!
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