Hello my lovelies. I'm sitting here at my sewing table today listening to the rain on the roof. We've had rather a lot of rain here in the hills over the last couple of days. Child #2 was sent home early from school on Thursday because the roads were flooding. The school bus had to make a detour around one village as the road was completely flooded at the bridge. Today is not quite as wet, we just have snow instead. Yep that's right snow already, that was a bit of a shock I can tell you! I opened the curtains this morning to see a white hill in front of me!
These pics where taken last Friday when the weather was behaving itself rather nicely.
The water at the bottom of the picture is the river and water above is the field where the river shouldn't be!
We can see the damage done by the water here on the right. It's washed over the path and moved huge stones and left lots of twigs and branches in the fields.
Not that sneaky dog noticed, she was far to busy checking out rabbit holes along the riverbank!
Anyway that's enough about the weather, lets move back indoors where its cosy and take a look at something cheerful.
Yes you can't beat a bit of bunting to cheer you up.
Especially colourful crochet bunting!
There was a lot of up-and-downing on chairs for these pics I can tell you. lol.
That's it for today, just a short one.
Oh,...did you notice my little friend laid on my sewing table at the top of the post?
That's Maisy Pickles, I'll introduce you properly next time.
Thanks for all of your lovely comments on my Kirstie post, your soooo very kind and supportive. What would I do with out you : )
love fi x
Just what's needed in November, cheerful, colourful bunting! :)
Thanks for the cheerfull bunting pictures. It is terrible here in Lincolnshire...sooooo dreary. But now, after seeing your Pictures I miss Yorkshire even more!!!
Oh I love bunting! There is something so cheery about it.
Hope the weather gets better for you soon.
красивая подготовка к Новому году!!!!
First of all CONGRATULATIONS on being on Kirstie's homepage, how wonderful!
Love the bunting,so cheery and bright!
It's a bit nippy here today too!
Have a great week!
Rachel x
We must be the only corner of England to have had a nice day today - it's been sunny and bright all day though we did have rain during the night! Love the bunting.
Any ideas for Christmas bunting coming up in the pipeline? If so do let me know as I would be really interested in buying some.
Aren't we having awful weather - today has been disgusting.
Downton was a favourite of mine too and I'm so glad they are doing another series.
Lovely photos.
Your kitchen looks nice and cheerful!
I love the buntings!
Lovely, happy bunting and so beautiful landscape photos!
Thank you for a lovely moment with my coffee break! Back to my sewing desk...
Wishes from Crete! Teje
Hey Fi, sounds like you might be in for another chilly winter.
I would love to draw back my curtains and see the hill covered in white!
Floods, hmmmm, we have had plenty of them over this way, although I haven't been directly affected. They say after a drought you get floods and as this drought lasted close to ten years in some places, I'm not surprised we now have floods.
Maisy Pickles........love her coat/dress, can't wait for the official intro.
Sending a bit of blue sky and sunshine your way.
P.S. Iam such a goose....it's very early here, I should by rights still be asleep, so that's my excuse.
Love the bunting just what you need for this time of yea. Wish I had a mantle over my wood stove where I could hang some, it always looks so cheery.
Very cheerful bunting, excellent. I bet it was fun to crochet as well.
Hi Fi, We had snow up at mainsgill all so ,hope we are not in for another hard winter! get you on Kirsties page, well done. really like kirstie, a bit of a one off, love her dress sence.bunting very jolly,a blast of colour on a grey day,might have a trip up with Di soon , so dont pull up the draw bridge in Hawes!!LOVE lINDA X
Oh wow, I love that bunting, it's so cheerful. Can't believe you have had snow, but it's freezing here tonight too.
Ann x
Another little sweet treat from the outside to the inside. Thank you Fi for sharing another little bit of loveliness.
Even here in Australia we are having some rather weird weather, today is going to be very warm tho.
Hugs Sandi xx
I love the bunting,really colourful.
My word your pictures are stunning!! That scenery is beautiful - and not to mention the colourful bunting...oh how I do love a bit of crocheted bunting, lifts the dreariest of days and the darkest of moods...how can you not smile at that cheerful woolly goodness hanging up there!
(Well done on the Kirstie feature too by the way!)
Love Julia x x x
Lashing rain here in Kent too today and so dark, should be at home with my crochet hook but am at work instead...needs must...Deep sigh! Looking forward to meeting Ms Pickles. Dev x
Miss Maisie Pickles looks delightful! Lovely colourful bunting, just perfect for a cold and wet November day.
You know Fi, I keep coming back to this to look at 'sneaky dog' because for the life of me I cannot work out which is the front or back end sticking out from the bank!!!!
Sandi xxx
Lovely photos. Is Hardraw where Andrea, the felter, has her studio? I love her giant wall hangings. Beautiful blue sky and sunshine here today to make up for the awful gales of the last few days.
I loved reading all about what has been going on in your part of the world. Snow already? Well, here in the south one day we had ice and snowflakes. Strange for us! I loved the story of the sheep in the hen house!
i have just fell upon your blog, you make such wonderful things. oh how i wish i could make things like that. looking at your blog has just brightened up my day, thankyou. oh i will be back.
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