Thursday 17 May 2012

Ta-daa! The Forge

 Here it is, all finished...I think.
 This was my starting point, a pretty little cottage called The Forge, presumably because it used to be...a forge. 
 I'm quite liking the straggly, frayey bits of thread. I'm not going to trim them, I don't want the finish to be too neat.
 My favourite part is the green railings which I had to wait almost till the end of the piece to do. You can actually see them better in the first photo, before I added the last two hanging baskets.
 After the railings, it has to be the little bits of stonework.
 I just need to find some way of getting prints made of it now. I need to start taking my work more seriously and making it work for me. But where to start, having prints made, that's a whole new ball game! I still haven't done anything with The Old Sweet Shop. I'm a bit of a control freak so not being able to take control of the printing bit makes me put it off altogether. V naughty.
Hmmm...maybe it just needs a couple more stitches here and there. 
Thank you for stopping by and any tips on how to go about getting good quality prints made would be more than welcome.
love Fi x


Miss Holly said...

This is so beautiful!! Wow....I just can not believe what you are doing....really it is so cool!! Love it!!

trills said...

hi fiona. im hn nz and found you through another blog. i think your forge picture is exquisite. i am a patchworker and crafter. at the moment covered in white paint from painting my soon to be studio. when we finaly move into the little cottage next to it and are settled i plan to start my own blog. meanwhile i will keep an eye on you and others. so many talented folk out there. once again, exquisite picture. trillian

Annie said...

Wow Fi. This is stunning.
A x

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful. Sue x

Anonymous said...

Lovely, you are an inspiration.

The Fairy Glade said...

Absolutely beautiful, you really have a knack for bringing a building to life...makes me want to move in immediately and start watering those hanging baskets! Dev x

liz said...

It's amazing and beautiful. Liz x

chocolatefrog said...

Wonderful! Love the way there's more to enjoy the more closely you look - like the flowery fabric that works so well for stone.

KC'sCourt! said...

Oh that is gorgeous, absolutely beautiful.
Julie xxxxxxxx

Twiglet said...

Another stunning collage Fi. x Jo

sandiart said...

Oh Fi, I wish I could create such beautiful work, I cannot even verbalise how much this makes my heart sing.
xx Sandi

Kandi said...

That is truly beautiful.
Kandi x

Roxanne said...

A beautiful piece. You've outdone yourself.

Chrysalis said...

Crumbs, Fi, that is one lovely piece of work! Really beautiful. You are one talented lady!

Chris x

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful piece of work. You have great talent. Fiona

Wendy said...

WOW, that is just stunning! Absolutely beautiful!

Kay said...

Stunning, just stunning.

Yvonne Moxon said...

Its beautiful !

Marcia Sartori said...

Olá muito prazer!!
Que blog MARAVILHOSO você tem!!PARABÉNS!!! Lindo!!
Um ótimo final de semana para você!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fi,
I think you may be interested in this post to point you in the right direction for a printer.
Jane at Snapdragon makes beautiful embroidered art work and she was extremely pleased with the way her cards turned out from the originals.

Hope it your blog x

Annie Jeffries said...

Aww, Fiona, what you do here is so amazing. From inspiration to visualization on the page to realization in fabric, what you do just knocks me out.

I don't know about making prints but it seems like investing in good professional photographs is the place to start. Once you have those, you can decide what to do.

Claire said...

Hey Fi, your picture of the Forge is wonderful the green rails and all the little touches. Frayed edges add character and texture to the picture, so they have to stay, hehe....

Claire x

Claire said...

Hey Fi, your picture of the Forge is wonderful the green rails and all the little touches. Frayed edges add character and texture to the picture, so they have to stay, hehe....

Claire x

Anonymous said...

Ho comme c 'est joli Fiona ...


crafty-stamper said...

absolutely beautiful and love the frayed bits and those green railings
carol x

nilda said...

Não falo sua lingua, mas com a ajuda do google pude viajar com voce e entender seu trabalho.
amei sua aldeia.
Tudo aí é lindo!
Beijoca Nilda

Anne said...

Wow, I am so impressed that is so beautiful, you are a clever thing!

Alchamillamolly said...

Wow Fi that is beautiful what a work of art. Please get some prints and I will buy one!!

I would have loved to come to your crochet class I am desperate to learn as I want something to do after work if I sitting I like my hands to be busy. I have been cutting out beach huts for some summer appliques and some seaside bunting. I am thinking about a Folksy account.

Alchamillamolly said...

Wow Fi that is beautiful what a work of art. Please get some prints and I will buy one!!

I would have loved to come to your crochet class I am desperate to learn as I want something to do after work if I sitting I like my hands to be busy. I have been cutting out beach huts for some summer appliques and some seaside bunting. I am thinking about a Folksy account.

Stacey Moore said...

This is brill Fi bet they are chuffed to bits with it!

Rubyred said...

Oh my, such beautiful stitchery!
Rachel x

Carol said...

Fabulous stitchery Fi.
Carol xx

Little Blue Mouse said...

That is absolutely gorgeous! I love how you've used the flowered fabric for the building, and the detailing is fantastic.

Ash said...

Wonderful as ever and so much better in the flesh, looking forward to seeing it framed! Thanks for that link to my blog the other time.... hope people call in now, there is a little more happening once again!! :)

Nana said...

This is real good textile art and it looks wonderful.

May I invite you to visit my blog too? I am working on a christmas crib and yesterday I "opened" Marys face.


Sam I Am...... said...

Is that all done by hand? You're absolutely amazing...I just sit here in astonishment at your talent. It is truly a work of art.

Polly said...

I had a similar idea to print some of my work - try uploading your photo onto Vistaprint or Tesco, and have them made into cards or a poster than can be mounted into an A4 frame. Polly x