This weekend has mostly been taken up with animal husbandry. That sounds very grand doesn't it? In other word...trying to keep the chickens from escaping! Yes those little Houdinis have been doing their best to get into the back garden and scrabble about in our beds and borders.
There has been much fence building and gate making, not by me you understand. No I just did some over viewing and picture taking. All on your behalf you understand, I'd much rather have been knocking fence posts in but someone has to record everything for posterity and blog posting.
Here are the girls looking a bit miffed. You see they'd discovered that the wire meshing on the gate had larger holes than the rest of the fence and with a little hop and a wiggle they could pop through quite easily. Cheeky little chickens! They cleverly noticed this on the day that Wonderful Man was at work 120 miles away, but no panic I sprang into action with my trusty crochet hook and a ball of garden twine! HA! That put pay to their little game! I crocheted across their little escape route and stopped them in their tracks!
Hope you're feeling better soon Mum. x

Till next time
love Fi x
I would hazard a guess that you are probably the first person in the world to crochet a chicken run.
That is so funny! Little did those pesky chickens know you were such a dab hand with a crochet hook. I think you should patent that idea.
Carol xx
Brilliant! Will you be offering this as a bespoke service to others with escapologist chooks?
Just goes to show that crochet solves everything :) When we had chickens I let them free range in the end, as I spent so much time chasing after them, it's exhausting. I really think they might of been the characters from the film Chicken Run! x
That is a novel solution - we have been having similar problems with our hens - who have had a lovely time spreading all the muck from the beds to the grass. I never thought of a crochet fence!
Pomona x
How fantastic a crocheted fence, I can see a new industry and a great future coming your way.
I'm chuckling here at the idea of crochetting a chicken run :-) Could only be you Fi :-)
I had a friend of yours from Builth Wells drop in last week hoping I could make roman blinds :-) it's a small world eh?
A x
We just got 2 chickens at the weekend so lets hope I don't have any escapee's as I can not crochet!
Very funny!
Vanessa x
Just wonderful - the crochet chicken defences made me chuckle - just shown them to big son and he is now convinced us bloggers are totally mad!!
Cheeky chickens...the grass is always greener?
I love the emergency crochet idea and I had a big laugh when I saw that photo. The men in our life should be very appreciative of our skills, they come in handy. :)
Anne xx
lol...crochet to the rescue! Very inventive :)
Brilliant. Never knew crochet could be so practical. Have got to be sorry for the poor little chooks who thought they were so clever though. Cherrie
Tehehehe, thats the funniest thing I have heard in a long time, just brilliant!
Well obviously someone had to do the supervising bit didn't they, and who better than the woman of the house!
Nothing like crochet for keeping the chooks in! Had to laugh...:-D
Cunning things chickens! Love your crochet fence though, I miht make one to hold my peony up, gentle but strong!
This post made me giggle and the looks on the chooks faces, or should I say the way they are holding their heads, its like they are trying to figure out how to get out of the 'crochet' barrier. I let my chooks freerange and just put a big fence around the veggie patch.
x Sandi
Who knew that crochet could be such a very very practical pass-time. Of course garments etc are practical but chicken fencing is rather unique. x
Lmao, I never would have thought those little chicken beaks could look miffed- but they completely do! Why am I reminded of scenes from the film chicken run?? I hope you realise that now you can justify the need to crochet at any time? Love your ingenuity.
Brilliant bit of emergency crochet!!! Hope mum is better - love the card.
ROFL at weaver of grass!!! i was thinking the same thing. how clever!!
Hi...I always enjoy stopping in whenever you post. I noticed that you visited me with the post of the passing of my sister in law,..and I just wanted to thank you for it... Keep those chickens in!
Val in Kansas...
I always enjoy stopping in whenever you post. I wanted to thank you for stopping by with me and left a little comment regarding the passing of my sister in law. It made me feel good... Keep those chickens in!
Thank you,
Val in Kansas
Nice to see those men at work, I thought you had a bit mad when you said you were crocheting fences!! and there it is in all its splendour. Those girls look so funny altogether you know they are planning another escape route don't you. It is glorious here- Alan has gone fishing for the afternoon - love hime to bits but it noce to be on my own for a couple of hours. I am taking my tapestry frame outside and shall sit itn the sun trying to lighten the disastrous colour I put on last weekend - I have washed it so much but for a wash out in 24 washes it ain't budging I feel like Morticia Adams. Happy weekend to you and yours
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