Thank you for all of your lovely comments on my last post. I really wasn't expecting such a response to my DIY fencing, lol! You know what they say...'Necessity is the mother of invention.'
I've been busy a stitching and a sewing as usual. This post finds me a stitching in the garden, well you have to make the most of the sunshine don't you. I've been making 'community bunting'.
A lovely friend and neighbour asked me if I'd like to give up an hour or so and help sew some bunting to be used for our village gala in June. Well how could I say no, after all my sewing machine and I are practically joined at the hip, I start doing 'cold turkey' if I go a day without switching it on.

Apparently this bunting can be borrowed from the gala committee by anyone in the community for parties, weddings and the like, hence the title, Community Bunting. Luckily someone else had already done the hard part of cutting out all the lovely flags, I just had to sew it together. It kind of came in kit form...a carrier bag of precut flags and a roll of tape.
No I didn't stitch all this, lol. It does look wonderful though.
What a wonderful town you live in! How pretty it looks all fancied up for all to see and enjoy. I love how you are sewing outside in the sun!
Look at you sitting out enjoying the sun, ours has gone away for a few days, the temp has dropped around 7deg. I am hoping we have a mild winter this year, and you may have an extended summer!! The bunting is lovely and certainly makes it all look very festive. Love the little sneak peek mmmmmm.
x Sandi
Community bunting well I've never heard of that. Maybe a community car and community singing, but bunting......
What a wonderful idea, I love it. I hope everyone feels cheerful and festive when they see it.
How lovely to be outside sewing in the sun Fi.
I'm keeping an eye out here for the first Robin of the season. No. 1 has already spotted one or two, but not on our patch ..........yet.
Claire X
I LOVE the idea of a community bunting!! Your town is already gorgeous with all the old stone buildings, but this just makes it look festive and fun!
What a brilliant idea. Thank fully the person cutting the flags looks like that also had a good taste in fabric too!!
Your town looks lovely (especially Milk Churn)
It looks really lovely! And nice to have it cut out - I like the sewing, it is always the cutting out that I don't like!
Pomona x
OOoooohhhh l♥ve bunting! I am having a bunting fest here too at the mo ... that is a great idea to take the machine outside in the sun, its always a difficult dilema sun or sew! Your pics of Hawes are gorge as ever and make me realise Im very due a visit
Heather x
That "sneaky peak" looks fantastic and I can't wait to see it in all it's glory!! Love the idea of the bunting, Lucey xx
Lovely idea about the community bunting.
Love the sneaky peek!
Julie xxxxx
What a wonderful idea, a real sense of community. I love that you've been sewing outside! Your new project looks as intriguing as ever. :-)
What a great idea and it certainly looks lovely fluttering in tbe sunshine. It must be lovely to live somewhere with such a community spirit.
Ann x
Great community bunting - I bet it all looks lovely. Looking forward to seeing your finished picture. i had a go for a friend's wedding pressie (on my blog at mo). It's not easy is it!!!
What a lovely idea, your town looks so pretty with that handmade bunting. Love it :)
All things nice...
Love the idea of community bunting. Look forward to seeing the finished pic too :-)
A x
Wow love it! wish i lived in such a community spirited place, lucky girl x
Well don't all the shops look lovely with their bunting? lucky you being able to sit in the sun, it's not something I can do any more, and luckily I have never been a sun worshipper so don't really miss it at all.
Unlike you, I am not attached to my sewing machine, it's there for those rare moments when I get inspired, or when something boring has to be sewn... today my computer went out of action, so I made use of the time by making a pair of curtains for the landing window out of an old duvet cover, as you do, and a banana loaf and preparing a cassoulet for the evening meal.
Can I just thank you again for the prompt and info on the lovely green etc., crocheted blanket. Mine is coming on a treat, different to yours, but the basic colours are more or less the same. It looks great, thanks.
Blimey, that's a lot of bunting!
Looks great.
Your sneaky peek already looks amazing can't wait till your next post.
What a wonderful idea!! I love it! Your town looks beautiful all bedecked for May. The sneaky peek looks very intriguing too!
What a fantastic idea - community bunting - and what a wonderful spot to sit sewing, beautiful view.
The new make does look intriguing.......
Carol xx
oh i do love your bunting, i must tell you, your work is fab i have just been catching up on your past post like the crochet cat, ohh os sweet i think i will have to give it a go but i only have a 5 hook so will see how they turn out x x helen x
Hello Fiona, I enjoyed your post..and the great picture of you sewing the bunting in your sunny garden! It sure is pretty and cheerful!
Fab bunting Fi, your village must look so jolly in the summer! Love your outdoor sewing too.
You're so right, bunting looks so cheery doesn't it? You've done a fantastic job, I've never made any before and I love that you can sew outside. My ancient machine only allows indoor use, I could get an extension cable I you've got me thinking!xx
Oh I do love a bit of bunting and my crochet hook has been smoking for most of the bank holiday making my woolly one! I regularly craft outside but haven't yet taken my sewing machine into the garden. Lovely idea. Dev x
Oh well done you, I do love a bit of community spirit,
Love Helen
What a great idea. So pretty too.
what an amaxing bunting. and sharing in the community is the best. very emotional post. as always a big saludo across the pond to you.
I love how your sitting in the sunshine sewing, maybe I will try that :) xxx
Oh, makes me want to make some bunting too. It's not difficult at all and sooo cheerful. Thank you for the inspiration.
Ha ha look at you sewing in the garden, what a lovely sight and what a stunning view you have.
Thank you for your kind words. Gosh I can hardly believe how quick the years go by. It is so nice to re-visit some old Blogs.
I love your new stitch craft too.
(previous post)
Take care,
Carol xx
I love the things you make. It looks so beautiful where you live.
Lindo teu artesanato,tenha dias
abençoados! bjs
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