I was going to say the weather has been lovely here in the hills recently and it has but we've also had some extremely heavy rain! Any how on this particular day the weather was pleasant enough for me to do a spot of gardening with the hinderance...er...I mean help of the 'girls'.
From left to right we have Margery, Cluck, Lady Gaga, Fudge and Pepper. Paxo it just out of shot on the right. How they're not headless or missing a leg I don't know! They practically sit on the spade as you dig, waiting for the best worms!

And not forgetting a huge thank you to you all for the lovely comments you left on my last post. I really appreciate your encouragement. I always read every single comment and I know I'm pants at finding time to reply to you all so I'm sending you all a big hug and super cheesy grin!
Love you all.
Fi x
It's nice to have help in the garden:)...I love that big bowl.
Help...Yeah right! lol.
My grandaughter loves chickens and told me we should have them at our house. She might have an idea there. I could use the help. (Chuckle)
Just love your chickens!! I so want them...we now have coyotes so you have to have a really well built pen...nothing like fresh eggs.....what lovely gifts ....lucky mom!!
Very nice. I have a batter bowl almost exactly like that! I am guessing that Mother's Day in Great Britain is earlier than here in the US, since yours is the 2nd blog I have read a post on it.
Love your blog, by the way.
Those chickens look very happy, fresh worms no less! I had a blackbird keeping me company as I dug the weeds out. He got plenty of tasty worms too.
What pretty Mother's day gifts. Love your chickens and would love some of my own but I'm afraid our dogs would kill tham :-(
A x
Lovely, pretty gifts...I have also just read your previous post.....such beautiful work Fi!!!!
Susan x
Lovely gifts but what about that Tea Cosy? Its divine. Did you make it?
What lovely fluffy helpers :)
Gorgeous Mothers day gifts, love the batter bowl so will have to pop into M&S x
I just love your kitchen cabinet. I have one which I rescued from a country house that the yard of it was used as haulage yard. The owner gave it to me. It has been in my garage but unfortunately there is no room to fit in my house and a couple of the drawers are missing, & some glass.
Who knows, one day I might move into a larger house and that could be restored?
Love the pink too.
Your chickens are lovely, I am seriously considering having some myself. I love your pretty pink kitchen cupboard.
Ann x
I love gardening with the girls - they certainly keep things tidy ;-)
It might be a batter bowl but it looks lovely full of daffodils.
How lovely to have hens helping in your garden. I am still trying to convince hubby about the NEED for hens, but so far not been successful.
Lovely Mothers Day gifts.
We too, are thinking about adding chickens. Maybe once spring arrives. I sure enjoy your blog.
Can I come and live at your home???? I love your chickens, I want them again, I loved watching them scratching around and collecting the eggs and talking to them..sigh. I loved cooking on the old slow combustion stove too. Love that batter bowl and the dresser it sits on.
When ever I went out and did the gardening I would always, without fail, have a kookaburra laugh at me, quite off putting really, I always thought they were laughing because I was actually out gardening, but I really think it was because they knew they would be getting fresh bugs from the dug ground.
Have a lovely weekend xx Sandi
Lovely to see your chicken pictures. We had a Lady Gaga chicken until Tuesday, when sadly she died. So great to see a pic of a healthy Lady Gaga chicken!
How lovely to have chickens in your garden, sadly mines too small. And lucky you to have such a pretty bowl and cup for mother's day! Big well done to your family!
Love the batter bowl, and the pink and blue go together beautifully. I used to keep chickens, but had to downsize when we moved house, so now keep quail :o)
Karin x
Looks like you've been spoilt!!
No-one deserves it more!!
Love Helen x
Hello Fiona!
I used one of your self portrait photos in a post. I hope it's all right? The post is "April Ladies" - http://digitalpongaio.blogspot.com/2011/04/april-ladies.html
As said in the post, I greatly enjoy your blog! Thank you for all the lovely moments!
Oh everything is so pretty! I have a teacozy very similar to that I bought on Etsy a couple of years ago. What a treasure, and your tea set is lovely. Happy Gardening!
Loving your cabinet and the amazing embroidery.
Pam x
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