Saturday, 19 March 2016

Spring at Last!

I'm finally coming out of hibernation.
I think Spring is at last here in the North of England.
I know this because I've sat outside in the garden with a cup of tea...twice...YEAY! 
Yes... I did have my furry boots on and a woolly scarf but it wasn't wet and it wasn't windy...RESULT!
Yes... I can still see snow on the hill tops but if I squint it disappears.
I'm soooo ready for some blue skies, sunshine, green shoots and flowers. 

Definitely flowers! 
I'm craving flowers. 
The only flowers I can see are woolly and made by me... but needs must.
Till next time
Fi x


Virginia said...

Happy Easter Fiona, and may the warm weather and blue skies come soon for you! I love your colourful cushions, they definitely brighten the dullest of days. Lovely to see your work again.

Maggie Ann said...


Jennifer alex said...

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