Take a piece of delicious vintage floral fabric.

and a slice of scrummy embroidered linen.

Add a length of luscious lace.

and a snippet or two of velvet ribbon.

fiddle and faff for a little while.

Carefully smoothing and stroking until...

you have one totally tasty cushion ready to serve lightly plumped on your favourite sofa.
Such a beautiful combination of fabrics Fi.
A x
Love your cushion. I don't get the chance of any nice linen here.
What a lovely cushion, I love all the different elements to it.
OH NO JUDITH! move back! move back!
Such a beautiful outcome! Just gorgeous x
Lovely, lovely cushion Fi......
Great combination of fabric, linen and ribbon.
Just wondering what sort of opening you gave it?
Claire :}
Lovely Cushion!!!
Spare few minutes to visit my blog and Say a Hai!!
That's stunning! I love the vintage fabric.
Beautiful recipe :) Liz
Deliciously beautiful..and definitely not for the diet conscious!
oohh that is so very pretty what a great use of materials. dee x
Love it, love it, love it.
If you have toys and children clothes you don”t need pleas contact me or send them
to me :
Ionescu Otilia , Romania , Plopii slavitesti , 147255 , Teleorman
thank you !
Ps. Greate blog!
Wish my recipes came out as pretty.
I love the stitchery on this! I am transfixed!
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