I found some old photos from around about 1945 the other day and I thought you might like to see them.
I believe this is the Wensleydale Railway back in the day.
And look at these lovely ladies entertaining the troops while they wait on the station platform.
This is a picture of my granny looking a lot plumper than I thought she was back then!
Ok... I'm sure you've rumbled me by now...

Yes it's me.

It wasn't easy though. Previously I've made myself a Victorian costume, collecting bits and bobs from charity shops and altering and making bits right down to the corset. I've also made myself a 'pride and prejudice' style dress from an old pair of curtains found at the charity shop again with a corset to get the right shape.
So you would think coming forward in time would be easier. Nope! It's been the most difficult costume of them all. I couldn't find the right kind of shoes (I always think that if you start at the bottom and get the footwear right the rest falls into place.) I really wanted a floral cotton dress but couldn't find one the right style that would fit over my ample boobage.
So, I ended up with a modern 'New Look' red satin blouse from the charity shop which I had to stitch up the front as it kept popping open. The black skirt was also a charity shop find which was a gorgeous 'Gerry Webber' lined evening skirt, almost ankle length and had to be shortened by about 10 inches. The stockings are an old pair of mine with a fancy line up the back that I've had since the 80's when fancy hosiery was all the rage and I was a teenager with legs up to my armpits.
All in all I wasn't wholly confident that I'd got it quite right. When I looked in the mirror I though I looked like a cross between Yvette from 'Allo Allo' and a fat Amy Winehouse, so you could image my surprise when....
We arrived in the market square and immediately these two photographers approached me and asked to take my photograph! They positioned me in front of this old army lorry and started snapping away. Wonderful man took this one as they were giving me their business cards so that I could request a free copy of the photos they'd taken.
Thought you might like a little peek inside my basket Everything modern is hidden under a lovely vintage hanky that says 'A present from Sidmouth'. I have a vintage needlepoint purse and of course some khaki knitting wool as I'm knitting for our boys on the front line.
There were loads of people dressed up, they all looked absolutely fantastic.
Plenty of forces personnel and vintage vehicles.
Everyone entered into the spirit. Forget the pooch look at those fabulous shoes!
There was an old style shooting range.
My favourites, swing boats.
Here are the Blitz Sisters singing there hearts out on the platform at Leyburn railway station where there were steam trains travelling up and down the line all day.
We rode on the steam train there and back.
Taking in the beautiful scenery. It was a wonderful day, the weather behaved beautifully, in fact it was too warm at times. My shoes gave me blisters and my clip earrings were agony but it was all worth it.
I must admit... By the end of the day I was glad to unpin my Victory rolls and slip into something more comfortable.
But if I'm honest, I kinda liked the false eyelashes and the red lippy!

But if I'm honest, I kinda liked the false eyelashes and the red lippy!
.P.S. We need to get Wonderful Man kitted out next. It'll be lovely to have a 40's escort next time!
.P.S. We need to get Wonderful Man kitted out next. It'll be lovely to have a 40's escort next time!
I love your outfit. It really suits you
Julie xxxx
You looked amazing!! Also bet you enjoyed it all, looks a great event!!
Sharon xx
You pulled it off perfectly! You looked smashing, and right out of that era!!!! Lovely!
I remember now Fi - last year you said that by hook or by crook you were definitely going to take part next year. Well, from one who can remember the forties, I can tell you that you look pretty authentic to me.
Where is that wonderful man though? Was he in forties gear too?
I'm pleased you had a brilliant time!
you do look like your grandmother so very much,, not just the clothing and stylings,, but YOU lokk like her,, just beautiful.This was the best post I've read all day,, I really enjoyed this so much,,
Ah Fi, I had an idea about where this post might be heading as we bumped into a lady at the Southbank on Saturday wearing the most amazing Horrockses frock and she was dashing off to get a train back up North to attend this do (my other half was immediately jealous!)
It's great you decided to dress up, it makes for such a good atmosphere, don;t you think? Had you thought of making a simple belted shirt-waister dress in a flowery fabric? That's what I did for the first '40s do I dressed up for (using a modern Vogue pattern) and I still think it's not a bad frock. Maybe we will make this event next year, the scenery looks stunning. I agree, much as I love dressing up, I like getting it all off at the end of the day!
Hen x P.S. Your hair looked really good.
I love your new old look Fi!! Red lippy certainly suits you!
How fab. It looks like you had a fun time Fi.
A x
How wonderful!! I so want to go to one of these 1940's do's!!
S x
Oh gosh, I love a dress up. The Mister's not quite so keen , but hey-ho.
Looks like you had a lovely day and you look gorgeous. Great outfit, too.
Hey Fi, what a wonderful weekend, it looks like a lot of fun and the weather just beautiful.
You looked great in your outfit and the hairstyle and red lippy..........smashing.
Look forward to next years pics of you and your wonderful man.
Claire :}
I think you look fantastic! How fun to get to dress up and get to step back in time!
I think you look wonderful... all the women do in fact. Those were the days when women had curves and were proud of them... such a contrast to the stick thin models these days, who don't look in the least bit womanly, and I was glad to hear that certain ads have been banned because of the thinness of the models.
You look so much the part... I was about to comment how like your granny you looked, and then read further of course!
No wonder they were queueing up to photograph you.
Looks amazing - a great day out and your outfit was perfect!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
You looked wonderful and looks like you had a great day
Hi. Not quite sure where I wandered in here from, but I'm glad I did! I've enjoyed reading your posts and love your 40's outfit.
They do something very similar out at Darley Dale and at Crich (both near us), but I've never yet persuaded Himself to dress up and join in - wish I had now, looks like excellent fun! :)
Haha ...the word verification is 'asmash' - dead right!
Oh you had me for a second or two, I was thinking 'wow Fi does look like her gran' you look fab!!
Oh to live in the UK....
x Sandi
Ha ha, I too thought you looked the spit of your granny!
What fun! You put it all together beautifully!
Viva nostalgia!
You look great!! That sounds like so much fun!
You fooled me! I was accepting those first photos as 1940's snapshots! You looked great in your 40's wear! A fun posting. Thanks!
I was in Leyburn on holiday but had to return to Hampshire on the Saturday of the 40's weekend so it is lovely to see pictures of what went on. Also to see some of your beautiful work in the gallery at Hawes. Gillian x
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