I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!

Next is Chipping Norton and keeping the yarn theme going Wonderful Man spotted this as we got out of the car (as you can see I have him well trained)...
A little bit of yarn bombing. You may remember I've dabbled in a little bit of guerrilla crochet myself in the past.
And then further along a little bit more guerrilla knitting.
and the more we looked, the more we found. Check out the duck feet at the bottom of the post.
Unexpected chunks of woollyness all over the high street.
The cheeky mistress of the yarn had even been here in this cafe window too. And do you know how I know it was a 'mistress' as opposed to a 'master' at work? Well Wonderful Man spotted her speedily stitching a piece onto a bollard!
It turns out the lady in question is the lovely PetaX who you can find on Ravelry. Chipping Norton love Peta's yarn storming after several articles in the local paper had brought the phantom yarn bombing to light. Peta's current yarny exploits had been requested by the local theatre company to guide the route to the theatre and their latest production. OO! It makes you feel all warm inside doesn't it? I must apologise for having no photo of Peta in action, I can't believe I didn't get a snap of her in action, I was so cross with myself when I got back in the car and realised.
I must just mention an absolutely scrummy little shop in Chipping Norton, RosieB's, full of the prettiest gifts and vintage gorgeousness. The lovely lady behind the counter assured me that she would have a website up and running in a couple of weeks. Now then, I'd love to share the web address of this pretty shop with you but at the moment the little card with the info on seems to have been misplaced, a bit like the 7 balls of cream yarn I'm missing!

Edited to add. Rosie B's website is www.rosiebinteriors.co.uk
Love the Cotswolds although I have not been for years - used to live quite near at one time.
I like that crochet round the lampposts idea - a good advert for a yarn shop - why not try it in Hawes?
Oh what fun!!! It makes me want to do a yarn bombing here where I live in So. California!!! I think I will talk it over with my knitty bitties and see what we can come up with!
: )
Hi Fi,
What a fab post. That needlecraft shop was just gorgeous! lucky you. Brilliant yarn bombing.
Take care. Oh and i loved your crochet cushions from the last post.
Love Carole from Rossendale xx
What a fantastic idea . I drive through the Cotswolds on my way South West sometimes rather than go around the M25 it's so pretty.
Yarn storming - brilliant idea!
LOVE the yarn bombing!! The shop looks like a little treasure trove. How did you ever leave it?! Cx
Lovely photographs. You would also like The Black Sheep wool barn at Culcheth, near Warrington.
Forgot to say The Black Sheep have a website too. Always lots of offers on. Just look them up.
I have been following blog for a long time now and I love it! That shop looks like paradise on earth to me.
I am shyly telling you that I am hosting a giveaway and I would like you to have a chance to win should you like the gifts...
Best wishes,
Wow! How weird and wacky and wonderful Yarnstorming is ... and good to know that others are doing it too!
Thankyou so much for your lovely comments about RosieB Home & Interiors in Chipping Norton...... The website address is rosiebinteriors.co.uk. I am trying hard to upload all the goodies, but it's taking time.!!!
Rosie Brett
Oh! I'm so jealous! Wish I could brouse that needlecraft shop. It looks wonderful! Did you buy anything?
Yes Holly I did buy a little something. Funds are very tight at the moment so I was very good and only bought 3 hanks of variagated embroidery threads and 2 reels of cotton. I bet you're impressed with my control!
I used to stay in Burford whilst I was at training meetings. It is a gorgeous place. I have also visited the shop you featured but I think the downstairs bit was not there when I last stopped by. it is great to find a treasure trove such as this, isn't it? Tyhe yarn bombing is great, I would love to try that in Cornwall!
Yarn bombing?
Makes everyone smile, I'm sure.
Doesn't Jeremy Clarkeson live in Chipping Norton? Someone should Yarn bomb him.
hahahha.... yarn bombing and guerilla crochet.........wht fun! love it....
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