Well maybe not a bouquet, more like a posy but sent to say thank you for all of your lovely, funny, helpful, glorious, boobage comments on my last post. What a wacky bunch you are, lol. I must admit for years I've thought about having a reduction but firstly, I'm a big cowardy-custard and secondly a firm believer in the 'If it aint broke, don't fix it.' brigade.
Be assured I visited all the helpful links and tips you gave me and although dressmaking is on a back burner at the moment, I will return to it scissors in one hand, pins in the other, frown on face and no doubt sticky-out-tongue... well...sticking out!
But first a little thank you project for you to have a go at.

Take some scrummy yarn, any odds and ends will do. I used some dk cotton.

Grab a hook and crochet up some simple flowers.
I started with one of those loops around my finger that you can pull and tighten up when you've finished. Then I simply crocheted 5 petals each made from 3ch, 1trb, 3ch, 1sl st all into the starting loop. Don't worry about any of this just do your own thing.

Snaffle up an old necklace and take a pair of scissors to it. (Little tip, don't cut the necklace without a basin underneath it first to catch those pesky, bouncy, little beads.)

Next raid the garden for suitable twiggy bits. This is far harder than it sound, you don't want anything too thick, brittle, nobbly, slimy, green etc. Elderberry bush worked quite well.

Mix all the above with some PVA glue and sticky fingers.

This idea was inspired by the two dull blue flowers with chunky white wooden beads at the bottom of this picture. Pretty... but room for improvement. I think mine are faaaaar prettier.
hope you agree?

If you don't have an abundance of twiggy stuff in your garden, wooden barbecue skewers cut down work just as well, as you can see from the picture above.

Please pop back soon to share a cuppa and my latest exciting project.
All will be revealed.
Love Fi x
Fantastic! I've been thinking about crocheting a bunch of flowers for my classroom, but wasn't sure where to start :) Thanks!
The little flowers look lovely - first I must learn to crochet ...
Pomona x
Love the pretty flowers
Julie xxxxxx
I love your flowers. I missed your post about your boobs so I went back and had a look. Your dress is gorgeous and good on you for persisting until you got it made!!! I must say I love your new profile photo, you have the prettiest blue eyes.
Have a great week,
Anne xx
When I made these flowers, I used lengths from a small rattan blind for the stems, and wrapped them in florists tape...
Love the bouquet, I'll have to give that a try!
Stopping by to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Please stop by my blog to pick up your Versatile Blogger Award.
Love the crochet posy and the tea cup too! Just darling!
A lovely idea! They look very pretty!
Rachel x
mmmmmm, always nice to enjoy a cuppa.
Earl Grey! isn't it?
Absolutely love your bouquet, wonderful way to use ALL THESE STICKS beneath every tree we own.
I've already enough yellow posies for a nice size bouquet.
Just one more example of your brilliance, Fi.
hugs from your Friend,
Thanks for the flowers! Nice posy. Might give it a try when I have a minute.
Bimbi x
What a nice idea. I really love those little flowers.
Very pretty! A bouquet like this would save me a fortune in flowers! I might just give them a try! Cx
What a great idea I love making flowers and use them in all sorts of random places in my home. Think I may just have to make a posty too xxx
bjs tenha dias lindos e abençoados!
love these and such a simple idea..
Those flowers are so lovely.. such a brilliant idea. :)
Ashley xx
Now that's what I call a pretty bunch of flowers, love the colours too, Lucey x PS as soon as I've chosen the colour for the door I'll send some photos.x
What great little flowers!! I love your new picture too! It is really pretty of you!
So sweet Fi, I have been contemplating making little flowers and popping them in a vase especially for winter when it is dull and grey and you need a little color in your life.
x Sandi
So pretty and I love the colours you have chosen. I think the beads really set them off a treat.
Jak x
They are so cute. I've got lots of little amounts of wool, crochet flower patterns, twiggy bits in the garden, so I think I may just have to have a go at these. Thanks, again, for inspiring me.
What sweet little flowers. I now know what I want to craft today. Off to get my yarn bits and crochet hook. Hugs to you for a great idea.
this is so-o-o pretty and apart from the glue - I might even be able to do it [not allowed - who knows what I might stick].
gorgeous as ever ... got to have a go at those, my girls at craft club will like them :)
Heather x
Gorgeous - Ihave a heart "tree" (WEE CROCHET HEARTS ON A TWIG) inspired by lucy - might have to copy you again, cheaper than buying cut flowers and lovely. Little bursts of colour like that in my home make me very happy.
Thanks for the inspiration, Fi.
Jen x
How's the street going? Are you still aiming to do all the shops in your machine embroidery?
Your ingenuity never ceases to amaze me
Lovely flowers, and lovely blog. I've become your latest follower.
OlĂ¡ Fiona! Por mero acaso descobri o seu blog e visitei-o e...jĂ¡ sou sua seguidora. Adorei as flores em crochet e todos os trabalhos em lĂ£.TambĂ© sou blogueira, tenho trĂªs blogs: amagiadobordado1.blogspot.com
e saberesesaboresdoplanalto.blogspot.com
PS:Sou portuguesa e moro em Portugal
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