Mine was.
Nothing terribly exciting to report, just a lovely homey, family type weekend and that's how I like it. I don't need drama or danger, thrills or spills, just being with the people I love at home is pleasure enough for me. How can there be anything more important than that!
A wedding cake.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself, choosing and offering pieces this way and that. Carefully stitching little curls and swirls and catching down tiny icing like frills and flowers.
I also happen to have a rather sizable stash of ribbons, all different kinds that I carefully squirrel away when ever I come across them.
These roses I made from wide, wired ombre ribbon. I'm afraid the photo doesn't do the colours justice.
Ta-daa! (I love typing that word)
I hope you've noticed the 4... Yes 4 pillars holding up the top tier of cake!
I hope you've noticed the 4... Yes 4 pillars holding up the top tier of cake!
In my original cake design I was going to just sit the top tier straight onto the bottom tier, but when I asked a friend for her opinion, she thought is should be on pillars. (Bless her little cotton socks. Mental note to self, never ask a friend for her opinion.) Only joking!
Hmmmm...This caused much head scratching and nose wrinkling on my part and for good reason.
How was I going to make 4 round columns strong enough to hold weight on top and soft enough to be stitched to both the top and bottom of the cakes at the same time? And that resembled icing!
The stitching of said columns was, to put it politely extremely difficult. Much 'Dick Dastardly and Muttley' grumblings issued from my lips I can tell you! Also much pricking of fingers and dropping of needles!
The stitching of said columns was, to put it politely extremely difficult. Much 'Dick Dastardly and Muttley' grumblings issued from my lips I can tell you! Also much pricking of fingers and dropping of needles!
Anyway, I would tell you what I used and how I did it, but then...
I'd have to kill you. Sorry.
Just for good measure.
I'm hoping to have some sort of instructions for you next time. I can't promise it will be an exact pattern but I'm sure if you can crochet the basic stitches, you'll be able to make one of your own.
OOO! and before I forget please find time to check the 20 Minuters list on my side bar as we have new crafters joining us all the time and I would hate for you to miss out on any crafty blogs!
Till next time
Love Fi x