Here are the photos of the beautiful linen, embroidered bag that my Mum made me for my birthday.

It must have taken her hours and hours.

Isn't it fantastic?

Each little square had to be embroidered and then cut out.

And then the embroidery added.

Such lovely soft colours.


Look at all these little button hole stitches.

Even the loops for the ties are embroidered on.


The back is just as perfect.

I'm a very lucky lady.
Thank you Mum, you are so special.
Next time I'll show you what Carol over at
Katherines Dream asked me to make for her next grandchild. She's getting in early, it's only a twinkle in it's daddy's eye at the moment!
love Fi x
This is absolutely gorgeous! So much time and effort must have gone in to it. What a talented mum you have!
Mum is very talented, what a very special gift. I will check out your Dads work.
I used the embroidered table cloth my mum made last night, when I use it I know how lucky I am. My mum probably cannot even remember that it was she who made it for me, bless her. I watched her last night, thinking how sad to loose your memory, everything else functions so well.
I am so looking forward to the little treasure you have made for me.
Blimey another year has gone so quickly Fi. I rmemeber it now your mum and dad are so sweet, how many men would be able to sit and lake something so beautiful and delicate nowdays, there's a thought!
That is beautiful! xxxx
Hi Fi
No wonder your rabbits are so gorgeous (mine's still very happy, thank you!) - you have obviously inherited the wonderful talents of both your parents. Have they passed on to your children, too?
Glad you had such a super birthday - and what a lovely man your other half must be!
Sue x
That is a really beautiful bag, your mum must have spent ages making it. What a very special gift, one to be treasured forever, right?
What a beautiful gift from such a special person. It is lovely that you are all so creative.
That bag is exquisite workmanship - now I know where you get your talent from!
I thought of you when I passed through your town yesterday - what with horses and caravans going to Appleby and motorbikes gathered round the cafe you could hardly move.
Thank you for the extra photographs of the bag. It is so beautiful, what a lovely mum you have.
Your bag that ur mom made for ur birthday is just beautiful, every little details is just so perfect, you are lucky and My hat goes off to ur Dad as well, how awsome is that for your father to be so clever in the making of something so precise and beautiful, I am trying to get my Dad into making me a birdhouse, Mmmmmmm "lol"
beautiful... just beautiful and i know who is tickled pink ...lynnie
what beautiful work! Your Mum is very talented! I'm speechless.
Oh my goodness that is gorgeous!
Rachel x
Wow...that is so beautiful!
Your mum is very talented..as are you!
Hi Fi
Your mums bag is beautiful... I am learning to embroider at the moment... but I think it will be many 10's of years before I can make something like that !
take care
That is a simply beautiful bag. Your mum is very talented.
I can hardly believe that someone actually made that bag. What a super talented Mum you have and she must love you sooooo much to make such a gift. Utterly gorgeous.
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