Gosh! Look how similar these colour combinations are!
Hello all.
The sun is shining on my little patch of earth today and I'm feeling alive and zingy! My blogging mojo has been sadly missing over the last couple of weeks my friends. Yes, I must admit it took me all my time to post the crochet pattern for the Kitty. I don't even like to see it on my blog! But I'm feeling much better today.
I thought we'd better have a general catching up session today.
Yesterday wonderful man and I went out to the garden centre and came home with an unusually shaped lampshade, some beautiful Sanderson curtains, some sewing bits and pieces, paint and a few other odds and ends.
Here are the scrummy Sanderson curtains that I snaffled up for £3.99. They are, in my humble opinion absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunatley they won't fit any of my windows! I did wonder if I could make them larger by adding a co-ordinating gingham check around the edges, a bit like my kitchen curtains in the picture below. Alas, that would indeed be A LOT of gingham!

These were made from a pair of spotty curtains and a apair of check curtains which I had to cut up to make four curtains and two pelmets (there are two windows in the kitchen.)
I wish you could have seen me doing the maths for this project! It took me weeks just to work out how to do it, to make the curtains both look as full as each other as one window is wider than the other. (Nothing is ever straight forward is it?) I don't think you can tell from the photo but the pelmet on this window is actually made by unpicking and then re-stitching together all the little tab tops from one curtain, thats how tight the fabric was! You may also notice in this picture two rather large dustwebs! Ooops!
I also came across this lovely little KNITTED doily. It really is delicate and at 49p I couldn't possibly leave it. The floral fabric next to it is a blouse, sadly too small for me but as fabric for crafting...perfect.
Talking of crafting; this is what I've been up to lately...cupcaking! I've designed a new cupcake base which is not quite as fiddley as the ones I was making back in this
post, but still gives me a lovely cupcake shape. I don't like to see cupcakes made with straight cases, I like mine to go wider at the top like a real one! As with the curtains, nothing is ever straight forward. It took me seven or eight attempts at making a pattern and trying it out before I got the right shape and size. I just can't help it, if it's not right then I'm not happy and won't want to make any more. So it really was worth all the effort and junior school maths! Lets hear it for Pythagoras's theorem!
Just so I don't get into trouble with
Carol; I've also been getting on with another little project, but more of that when it's finished : )
I'll leave you with a photo of what I can see in front of me up here in the attic.
Love Fi x