Hello. I'm so excited! And I'm not really sure why. Maybe I'm just having one of those 'High on Life' days; or it could be that I'm going to London for a couple of days next week with wonderful man to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.
It could just be that I've been sewing, sewing, sewing and I'm really pleased with what I've made. I think a lot of the pleasure has come from the challenge. I've had to work out and design my own pattern, which meant squeezing my poor old shrivelled up brain, trying to remember the Pi r squared thingy from junior school maths (now who have thought that they would ever need to use that in real life eh! so maybe there is still hope for algebra and equations! ) so I could make a circle the correct size for my needs. It wasn't pretty to watch I can tell you. There was much rubbing out and screwing up of paper, not to mention compass twiddling.
And all to make...
Hell! They've been fiddly!

Especially this bit: I tried stitching the bottoms on with sewing machine at first. It took about 30 minutes and much swearing! Any tips here would be gratefully received.

I wanted my cupcake to be quite realistic in shape, ie the case to be wider at the top than the base, not to look like a chopped off toilet roll tube!

Then there was the size of the cake part: I didn't want it overflowing like a large American muffin. (Not that there is anything wrong with American muffins, but this is a British fairy cake or bun. Small but perfectly formed.)

Next came the best part. Oh, the excitement! What trimmings should I use? Buttons or sequins, beads or ribbon, rickrack or lace? Should they look realistic or just fluffy and over the top?
Decisions, decisions!
It's no good. I can't wait any longer. I've got to show you them NOW.


I feel ridiculously happy with them.

And they're completely CALORIE FREE! WHOOHOO!!!

Remember yesterdays utterly gorgeous glass cake dome? Looking a little sad and empty?

Here it is today modeling this seasons latest in cupcakes.

Aaaah. I'm all cupcaked out now.

All smiley and happy!