I'll miss the aromatic fug that meet you as you near his room. I'll miss his sparkling conversation that usually starts and ends in one sentence, "How long till tea?" I'll miss seeing the light shining under his bedroom door at unearthly hours of the night with accompanying sounds of explosions and gunfire.
So I've posted tonight as I will be a snivelling, sobbing wreck tomorrow night.
(sniff, sniff)
(sniff, sniff)
Good luck
I hope with all my heart that this is the start of a wonderful life.
Enjoy every minute.
Love Mum x
aww...I know its hard to part when they go off to college. Very hard....but as time went by, I found it freeing in lots of ways...=). Your sewing looks so nice and homey. You must always have something lovely in progress!
Awww, your post made me weepy!
My son started uni this year, but he's still at home, as his university is just up the road- thankfully!
I went away for uni when I was their age, and it made me really appreciate my parents more- hopefully he'll be back, surprising you with his longwinded chats!!!
Oh, good luck. Jose has bee there just over a week, first few days I kept looking into her empty bedrooom from the door, day three saw me strip her bed to wash everything, sat on her bed and thought whilst looking around her room 'Oh my God, this is really happened, was a bit sad then, but my house is calm, stayed fairly clean, biscuits are still in the jar on the side beside the kettle, bathroom, well, it is just as clean as it was on Thurday morning.................. I have already had to sub her some money!! Had an interesting phone call the first time she needed to use the washing machine.
I have to admit I am now dreading Dec 9th, when she comes home for Christmas!! (bad Mother!!)
You'll discover the joy of letter writing, charting their progres through face book and as Grateful4crochet said, you'll have a chatty young mang home at Christmas. Another plus, think of how little washing you will have!!
Aw reading that nearly brought a tear to my eye just like the "school bag in hand" song in Mamma Mia, and mine are only six but I know exactly how you feel. He'll be back soon xx
You will survive it (just) - our eldest has just started her second year and tbh it actually doesn't get any easier but take heart in the fact that you have brought him up with wings to fly the nest, now be proud that he has the courage to use them
Fiona I could have written that post SNAP! We did the same on Saturday, I think our sons would be good friends, chin up, a bit of comfort sewing will distract and help fill the gap!
Heather x
Hi there i did the same on saturday with my twin girls both of to the same uni but not living together .I will miss them so much and i worry about them so much too..But im so proud of them both for doing this .......another sniff sniff time .
I could have written exactly the same post 5yrs ago, down to the same conversations. A son who spoke almost exclusively in vowels and grunts.
Now I have an eloquent young man with an MA who is a week into his MLitt degree and bears little resemblance to the 18yr old who left BUT he still hugs the same way which is the most important thing!
I've friends who are going through the same and I must admit I'm not looking forward to the moment. Rest assured you'll always be mum and he'll be back before you know it with a bundle full of washing.
Best of luck to Jack - its a great time of life for them and I hope he enjoys every minute. You will love him all the more when he pops home with a washing basket full and eats you out of house and home and takes half your larder back with him!! x Thinking of you too x Jo
Oh, he'll be back soon with piles of washing and friends who clean out your food stores - but he'll probably be full of conversation!
big huggings xx
i feel like that with sophia just starting school, change is something we cant stop sniff sniff, good luck to your son on his life and new adventures xxxx
my daughter was adamant that she would go to a uni in the South not too far from Portsmouth, d'you know where she ended up...........Leeds, now she lives in Manchester! Hard to see them go, but such a proud feeling too, also visits home become an excuse for celebration and treats which can't be bad!
I'm sure Jack will have a fab time and you can enjoy the benefit of knowing that the biscuits in the cupboard will still be there when you go to eat them! ♥
Oh I know the feeling, my daughter went off to uni four years ago.
I'm sure he'll have a great time, and be back in the holidays to eat you out of house and home!
I remember all this like it was yesterday ... enjoy your bit of freedom before they're finished and MOVE BACK IN!
Oh ... so many memories of seeing my eldest off... but Cathy made me laugh at the last minute because it is so true... no sooner have they left, than they come back again...Here is a lovely saying I treasure from those times... " There are 2 main things you should give your children... 1 is roots, the other is wings"... Sounds like you are doing well with both :)x
My grand daughter has just gone too - it is no easier with the next generation I can assure you.
Oh bless! My eldest has just graduated. When she went to Uni she declared she wouldn't be back! 3 weeks later there she was - I had to buy a sofa bed as her sister had taken her room and decorated it within days of her leaving. 1 down, 4 to go for me!
He'll be just fine. Our Jack #3 had a bet with his brother - how long till Mum puts a sewing machine in my room! He won the bet "within an hour of her getting home"! All ours went, far and wide across the land, and then they all come home again! It's fine, part of growing up for them and us!
Bitter sweet!when I left my son at uni a couple of years back no one lets me forget that I cried (read that wailed) all the 178 miles home!! Did the same when he went to play group! Boys and their mums!!xxxx It gets better - but shows you how quickly times goes...
Ok I'm crying too....sending much love to you and very best wishes to Jack xxx
I love your creations and your blog!
It is tough, especially when the first one flies the nest. My third has completed uni and gone off to China for a year - so I know a bit about how you are feeling.
I am gradually getting used to having a clean bathroom, the fridge remains full for longer, the lights don't burn 'til all hours, the wash pile and ironing are much smaller... We do keep in touch by email, skype, blog. We are so fortunate that communication is easy these days!
Hey Fi, the ties that bind are never broken whether you are living under the same roof or not.
You'll just be getting used to him not being around and he'll be home on term break and I can guarantee the aromatic fug will linger for quite some time..........
Best wishes to Jack on this new chapter in his life.
Been there, still there but getting a little easier - best of luck to you and yours. Please can we meet up soon!!!! :)
Aww! I hope the move goes well for both you and your son! Cx
I thought it was only my son that did the midnight beyond shift, with all the acompanying noises of guns etc. Ahh yes 'that' smell, pity it is right next to my bedroom tho!!
All too soon you will get used to not having him around, but in the meantime 'sniff, sniff'
x Sandi
:-( I hope it all goes well, I am sure you will feel like you have lost a limb for a while but hopefully you will adapt quickly. x
It's a hard step to take, for parents I mean. I remember the tears I wept all the way home from Cambridge when No 1 started his illustration degree. It'll be worth it in the end! We're off on Friday with no 3!
Oh gosh, I can identify with you so! I have three grown kids. My first, left the state after marrying, and it about killed me. She only stayed gone for 1 yr. though, and they now live about 1 mile away!!! My youngest went away to college and again, my heart ached!! But he is also now back in town!!!! I wish you and your son both luck with this new adventure!!
Heard a rumour that sales of tissues had rocketed in your area this last few days.
Hope you feel better about it all now...be proud of having a son able to look after himself - after a fashion perhaps! - and getting on with his life. You've done a good job, now he's taking another big step, and good parenting has enabled him to do this. Be proud of yourselves and him.And take consolation, if you can, for he may be like my sons and admit to feeling a little homesick and teary too, for a while anyway.
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