"I have a hat. It is graceful and feminine and has a wide brim with a red ribbon around the band. It gives me a certain dignity, as if I were attending a state funeral or something. People are generous in their compliments. Someday I may get up enough courage to wear it, instead of carrying it." From "Women Who Wear Hats Stand Heads Above the Rest" (by Irma Bombeck)
"A hat is a shameless flatterer, calling attention to an escaping curl, a tawny braid, a sprinkling of freckles over a pert nose, directing the eye to what is most unique about a face. Its curves emphasize a shining pair of eyes, a lofty forehead; its deep brim accentuates the pale tint of a cheek, creates an aura of prettiness, suggests a mystery that awakens curiosity in the onlooker." (Jeanine Larmoth)
"You cannot hide in a hat; you will be noticed, especially by men. To men, you become a lady when you don a hat--one who they rush to open doors for. To women, you become an inspiration, reminding them that they have a closet full of hats they have not had the courage to wear."
Aren't these 'hat quotes' wonderful? Maybe there is some truth in them too, I popped out in my new hat this afternoon and had a gentleman smile and step aside for me to walk in font of him! I'll maybe have to start wearing one all the time. lol

I crocheted this one in a single evening, making a basic beanie hat but adding a partial brim a bit like a bonnet so that it wouldn't get in the way of a scarf or collar at the back. I was after something close fitting that wouldn't be whipped away by the wild hilltop winds, but with a small brim to stop the icy rain from going in my eyes.
I originally bought the wool (Twilleys Freedom Spirit 100% wool) over a year ago with the intention of crocheting a cloche hat and then felting it in the washing machine but doing it this way is a bit hit and miss as the wool shrinks so much.

So in the end I used two strands of yarn together and just crocheted the hat and then made a fleece lining for it, to stop the wind whistling through.
And it's luuuuuuurvely, sooooo snuggly and warm.

I surely needed that cosy new hat when we visited Sedbergh, where I visited this little shop.

Would you like to go inside?

A little treasure trove of vintage pretties.

books and crockery

kitchen ware and thing-a-ma-bobs.

eiderdowns and linens.

bits and...

Oh, I nearly forgot; apparently the word fettle is an old Yorkshire word meaning to mend.
Right I'm off now, there's fettling to be done.
love fi x