This one reminded me of Charlies Angels, teehee!
No, I know it's not that funny but it just tickled me.

I've been trying to take some photos of these large bunnies for my Folksy Shop.

it's been very difficult with the gloomy snow filled days we've been having,

Which ever way up you look at it.

I even went as far as taking down the lace net curtain to let in more light!

But I don't think it made a jot of difference.

the bunnies were very patient.

Bless em!

fi x
I love your bunnies, so cute and very patient indeed. Yes I can see what you see...Charlies girls :)
x Sandi
You could do with one of those mini studios, I'm really impressed with mine. I paid £35 on ebay for it and it gives a nice white clean background:
Also comes with lights. Failing that how about using photo editing software to enhance brightness and contrast? I think they look pretty good anyway! :-)
I think the pictures were nice. The bunnies, oh they gorgeous! I read on a blog, don't remember where, but she takes her pictures in the bath tub. I don't know how the white bunnies would look but being they have such beautiful color in them, maybe worth a try, although like I said I think the pictures are really nice that you did get. Have a nice evening.
Oh that does look like Charlies Angels!! :-) Your bunnies are the most adorable things!!
It is far too cold to let anything in from outside. And even in this light the bunnies look adorable, as if they are having a great time playing with you!
They are just gorgeous! I keep meaning to make myself a light box, but along with lots of other chores, just haven't got round to it!
Your bunnies are just gorgeous...and sooooo patient :-) Love your photos.
A x
They're adorable, even in the bad light! :)
So cute!
Gorgeous, with or without good light !! :)
Vivienne x
Well the light may be gloomy but the bunnies are adorable. So sweet.
Lovely bunnies :0) x
Aren't they the sweetest things ever? I'm sure they'll sell like hot cakes. Hope you're coping with the snow and the cold.
They are the cutest things I have seen in a long time.
Hey Fi, how sweet are your bunnies.
Love the last photo, I couldn't bear to separate them.
Wouldn't mind at all if I had these bunnies in my garden.........
Hope the sun is managing to shine a little up there in the Dales.
Thanks for dropping by, lovely to hear from you and I hope the shop is going well.....
Claire X
Seems like you had great fun playing with those bunnies whilst you were 'trying to find the light'! They are really sweet.
Lovely bunnies.
-Samya :-)
Beautiful bunnies....
Just wanted to thank you for lovely crocheted coat hanger cover tutorial...I've just completed one for my grand daughter..I'll photograph it but can't show it 'til later as it's a gift for Christmas!!
I enjoyed following the instructions and found it very simple and concise!!
Thanks again
Take care
Oh, the cutest bunnies ever. Love them :)
Sweet bunnie company! You have made them really beautiful and so perfect work!
Oh those are wonderful Fi, such patient and willing models as well ;-)
It should work - I just pasted the image into the address bar (It's a photo I took using the studio). Try this:
Really odd - never heard of that! It's only a link to a post of mine not something sinister! :-) If you go to my blog and the 'charity shop' page it's the picture of the mug that I took using the studio.
I love your bunnies no matter what the light is like they always look beautiful. When are they going on sale? I need one!
Hope Christmas preparations are going well!
a-m x
Dopiero na ostatnim zdjęciu zauważyłam, że to haft. Myślałam, że tkanina jest drukowana. Te serduszka na ogonkach są urocze.
Your little rabbits are so beautiful :o)
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