Yesterday was Mothers Day here in the UK. I hope all you Mums out there had a special day with your loved ones.
This is my little home made gift to my lovely Mum, a scissor keeper covered in silk ribbon embroidery and French knots.
All wrapped up in a little matching handmade box.
(She loved it)
I had a super day with wonderful man and my beautiful daughter, unfortunately there was one person missing, my son who is away at university.
We popped out for lunch and I happily snapped away along the journey for you. This is the famous Ribblehead Viaduct.
We're driving through the Yorkshire Dales on our way to Kirkby Lonsdale just over the border in Lancashire.
Little flurries of snow threatened us all day but luckily only settled on the hill tops.
Not much in the way of traffic!
Lunch! Yummy. I can't share our bimble through the village as I was far too busy window shopping to take photos, sorry. And there are some seriously lovely shops in Kirkby Londsdale.
The sun came out for our journey home, glorious!
Back past the viaduct again.
I love this little house at the side of the road, every year a little more of it falls down.
not far now, the whole journey only takes about 45 minutes.
And today...
from the attic window, snow...

Yep it's snowed all day on and off, but I don't mind. I've just taken delivery of MY mothers day gift....15 balls of wool, WHOOHOO!
Thank you to my beautiful family, I had a wonderful day. x
Fi x