It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Tra-la-laaa.
Hello all. There's no getting away from it. It's well on it's way!
This is our local sweet shop window looking fantastically festive. I tried to take a picture inside but it was far too busy. It's a proper old fashioned sweet shop inside. Rows and rows of jars of sweets; and the walls are covered with vintage sweety and chocolate advertising signs.
Back home there has been a fair amount of this going on...
wrapping and decorating.
It takes me ages to wrap each gift, but that's because I like to faff around choosing pretty ribbons and making my own gift tags.
Gift tags haven't been the only things I've been making....
Yes. The Christmas cake has been made.
Mmmmm. Smells wonderful.
Tastes quite good too!
Well you can't eat every thing on one day can you?
Really we're not that bad; we're visiting my parents for Christmas so it's ok for us to eat some of our cake now - we'll probably have seen enough Christmas cake by the time we come home again. Well that's our excuse anyway.
Thank you to Anne M. (you know who you are) The fabric has arrived, and it is lovely thank you for thinking of me.
Till next time.
Fi x