Well one thing is for sure. I won't be needing my peg bag today. Far too wet here. Actually this isn't my peg bag. This is one I've made for my best friend. She requested an old fashioned, traditional one. Thinking about it, she didn't request one at all. She just dropped a rather large hint that she couldn't find one anywhere. Hint HINT! Love her to bits.

I bought the fabric months ago, while we were having a day out together at Embsay Craft Mill, near Skipton. I always think of my best friend when I think of Embsay. She introduced me to the joy of Embsay! Part of the building is devoted to paper crafts, another to quilting fabrics, another to beads and cross stitch kits and then a corner to knitting wool, and then slap bang in the middle is a cafe with sofas and newspapers where you can leave your husband. Very civilised!

I'll leave you with a picture of some bits from my scrap bag. I've been ferreting away all the little bits of embroidered linen that are left over from my bunnies. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but I just couldn't bare to throw them away.

I'll show you what I've done with them soon, but I promised to show a very nice lady called Jane what I've made first though. Just waiting for a little delivery first. (Gosh! I've made it sound far more intriguing than it really is.)
Thank you for all the 'birthday cake' love.
Fi x