Sunday, 1 September 2013

Jack Russell Terrier in Wool.

 I thought you might like to meet my little woolly friend...
 This is a first for me, NO embroidery or embellishment!
 Nope, not a single thread!
 Just plain old felting.
Maybe it's true what they say..."Less is more!"

Love Fi x


Susan Smith said...

That is just so beautiful, it looks as though you could reach out and pat him. Talk about talented. well done.

Claire said...

Hey Fi, were you itching to do some stitching?
Definitely less is more in this case......looks amazing

Interesting to see the new things you are working on.

Claire x

Sandy said...

He is so lifelike! Well done. You are a true artist!

ymme said...

Prachtig, je bent een schitterend artist.
groeten, Ymme

Sia said...

It's gorgeous! Very beautiful! ♥

French Nanny said...

Fi - your work is just amazing...


Doreen Backway said...

Incredible! Fantastic feltwork as you usually do!

Elderberry-Rob said...

He is absolutely beautiful, full of character. Without embroidery is perfect for this one. You have a great talent and your work is moving into new realms. Bettyx

... Bimbi said...

You are amazing! Painting with fleece - fabulous.

Bimbi x

Swallow Barn said...

beautiful - you are so talented!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful and so delicate, almost like a loose pastel drawing, but with texture! I love your other techniques too - more of a colour fest. You are so inspiring Fi. Thank you.

shabbied up grannie said...

an absolute beauty , gorgeous colours

Bev xx

Jess said...

It's lovely, you're so clever! I love the little curly whiskery bits, it really adds to the piece and the soft colours, gorgeous!xx

Gilly Tee said...

He is adorable, I have a terrier that looks at me just like that.

Tilly Rose said...

Absolutely beautiful hun x

Ellie Foster said...

Dear Fi
I am a relatively new follower and am in awe of the beautiful felt paintings you create. I am a felter too and your work is really inspiring.
Best wishes

Dolunay -Alanayarts said...

muhteşem olmuş.bravo!

Gorete Cerdeira said...

That´s wonderful!! I reaaly enjoy the passion you put in your works! a bog kiss from Portugal!

The Fairy Glade said...

I am in awe of every piece that you make and each time you make something it become my favourite until you make the next piece and so on. Truly beautiful. Dev x

Annie said...

Fi that is truly stunning. You get an amazing amount of detail into your felting. I love it.
A x

The Weaver of Grass said...

This is brilliant Fiona. You go from strength to strength.

Twiglet said...

He is really beautiful - is it just wet felted? So clever. x Jo

Unknown said...

absolutely fantastic xxx

Indigo Blue said...

This is fantastic! Just felt, it is so skilled it looks so lifelike. WOW!

Anonymous said...

I love him. No stitching - very clever. F

Maggie Ann said...

Wow!!! He is so life-like. Good for you!

Miss Holly said...

oh my GOSH!!! This is absolutely beautiful!!
You are amazing.....really...I am so so impressed!!!

April said...

Your art work is so cool. I just love what you do with material.

mckinkle said...

This is adorable Fi, I love it! Does the dog have a name or does it live in your mind?!
Lovely work!
Keryn x

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

He is Gorgeous, so lifelike.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing plain about that my dear, it is marvellous.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. What a handsome little dog, he's so realistic.

Anonymous said...

you are really talented Fi. Lovely, just lovely!

annalizard said...

Annalisa from Italy

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