Tuesday 17 June 2008

Felting Happiness

Tadaaa! Finished!

Here is the finished bag that I started to make way back on the 20th April

Here's one side
And here's the other

All machine embroidered And embellished with shimmering ribbon and beads!

Ready to be sent off to the Fatsheep Shop in Reeth.


andsewtosleep said...

OMG what a beautiful bag. I love the colours and the embroidery is so detailed. I've had a couple of attempts at this but don't seem to have the knack. Welldone you.

Anonymous said...

Its beautiful Fi, such a lovey combination of colours and skill, the embroidery really compliments the felt. hope you get some more sales, its a great feeling when someone wants to buy what you've created. Love that.

Sal said...

Such beautiful colours! I love it! Sal;-)

willywagtail said...

You are an inspiration! But how can you bear to let such an incredibly beautiful item go after so much hard work? I guess much of the joy comes in the creation process. Cherrie

Tracy x said...

whoever buys that bag is very lucky indeed!
beautiful work x
t x

Rowan said...

I love the bag, such pretty colours. I've never tried felting and couldn't produce anything as nice as that even if I did. You are very talented.

Craftybernie said...

Your bag is stunning. Absolutely beautiful!!

Thanks for dropping by my blog. x


Alchamillamolly said...

Wow more beauties. Have googled felt making workshops but their felts don't look like yours. Where did you learn to do it or are you self taught?

Alchamillamolly said...

Thanks for the info - I looked on her website - lovely - will have a run up later in the year. I love you picture on the theblog 'embroidered felt' will have a look for a book - though I prefer to be shown live how to do something. Today we have been stripping and sanding the back room ready to hang 'Percy' (Laura Ashley paper!) on the walls and then add a 30's fire surround given to me by my brother. Really excited but wont get it done this weekend.

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