Monday 25 June 2012

Take a note (book) Miss Jones.

 I'm fizzing today!
 There are so many ideas in my head and sooo many things I want to do! My heart's beating faster and my skin is tingling. I spent the weekend visiting Woolfest 2012 at Cockermouth and an exhibition at my local Embroiderers Guild (must remember to show you the photos)
You may think this is a good thing for a creative bod like me, but it's not. NO! It can be quite dangerous, as being full of so many ideas means I can't decide what to do first and often this leads to the dreaded 'not doing anything at all!'

I have plenty of  works already in progress to finish without all the new ideas in my head. There is a new felt picture to finish embroidering, felt brooches to put together, a bunny to make, stones to crochet, stones to embroider, crochet and knitting to get on with, a crochet class to prepare and notebooks to cover...
OO! Notebooks!
Nearly forgot about them (not much room in my head at the mo)
(front A5)
 Yes, I thought I better show you my first attempt at covered notebooks before the photos got forgotten and lost in the myriad of files and folders on my computer.
(front A5) 
Gosh! Just remembered I need to make a birthday gift for a dear friend, a thank you gift that's way overdue for another lovely friend and I need to make some more greetings cards. OH HECK! Daughters prom dress need altering too!
 (front A6)
 I couldn't forget pretty insides too :) I think they're almost my favourite part, lol.
Maybe I should have one of these notebooks to keep my memory in! 
or at least my list of projects to finish. 
Thank you for the Meadow Felt love. It's now in the art and craft gallery, I'll try and remember to take a photo of it hanging in it's little space, but knowing what my memories like, don't hold your breath! 

love yes... Fi x

Edited to add :: Just noticed this was my 300th post! WHOOHOO!
I think I better add 'organize a celebratory giveaway prize' to my to do list. 
You don't mind it a bit late do you? x

Edit number 2 :: Panic over, it's ok, I've just noticed Blogger counts your drafts in with your published posts so I'm only up to 292 posts, phew! A bit of breathing space, haha. x


KC'sCourt! said...

Those notebooks are STUNNING!
I know what you mean my brain is working faster than my fingers! Something is going to have to stop!!
Julie xxxxxxx

❀ Sassybelle Blooms said...

Your notebooks are sew stunningly sweet! -xxx-

Annie said...

I'm chuckling away at this post Fi. It all sounds so much to do, so many wonderful ideas....not enough hours in the day to do them.....if only you could remember what they were. :-)
Really love the notebooks....erm....Fi :-)
A x

Unknown said...

Blimey your list is as long as your arm ;-)) I think you should def use one of your gorgeous note books and then you can have the pleasure of ticking things off when you have done them ;-)) Those books are so pretty. Good luck with everything, dee x

The Weaver of Grass said...

Some of the stuff at the Exhibition in Leyburn was excellent wasn't it. I do know what you mean though about having too many ideas and getting side tracked. Like your notebooks.

Gem said...

Love these notebooks. Very sweet :) xxx

Claire said...

You certainly are busy Fi.....

The covered notebooks look great. What a good way to use up small scraps of lace and fabric.....
It's great being inspired by things but finding time to put all those ideas whirling around in your brain into being is very tricky......good luck with it all.

Claire x

daydream in colour said...

I think Procrastination because of too many ideas should be an official disease of crafters!

The notebooks are gorgeous. xx Susan

Kay said...

Such pretty notebooks. These would be fabulour gifts fore anyone.

Little Blue Mouse said...

Yes definitely keep a note book for yourself so you can keep track of all those ideas!

Donna Marie said...

Everything is lovely, as usual. When my brain is as busy as yours, I find if I write everything down it helps to clear my mind. There is something about getting the ideas out of my head and on to paper that brings a little order to things. So yes, keep one of those beautiful notebooks for yourself.

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