Friday 8 July 2011

A Mish-Mash of Catching Up and Other Stuff.

Hello my little friends, long time no see. All my fault of course, nothing to do with you diligent bloggers. As a result of my very lackadaisical posting today we have a bit of a mish-mash of happenings and makings from the last month or so. A bit like the sweeping-up of all the leftover bits on the floor.
This is my very untidy work table. I always seem to be working in about 6 inches of space while the rest of the very large table is chockablock full of stuff. Very important stuff you understand but never the less, absolutely piled up with... stuff. I do get things made though. In amongst the chaos. Brooches. I enjoyed a lovely day making felt flowers with my friend Anne.
At a Wendy Chan workshop in our local museum.

Not quite sure what do with them now though.

Domestic chores have been attended to.
Daily egg collection. This is a job no one tires of. It's like finding treasure every day. Whoohoo!

And here are four of our special girls, Fudge, Lady Gaga, Margery and Cluck bobbing down to get in front. I've made another dress.

I'd added a little bit of crochet to the belt just to jazz it up a bit.

Sorry, I didn't feel confident enough for a full frontal shot! Lol.
There have been a couple of lazy mornings in bed. Sipping tea, staring out of the bedroom window watching the hens on the bank and in the distance, tiny cars pootling up the hill.

My latest fad,

lined crochet purses.

These are inspired by my new crochet book Cute and Easy Crochet by Nicki Trench.
I say inspired because the pattern didn't work out for me so I did my own thing. The flowers are my own pattern.

So that's what has been happening in the MarmaladeRose household. Still trying to remember all of my favourites. It's really quite exciting discovering you all again!

love Fi x


KC'sCourt! said...

I had to chuckle about your work bench and only having 6 inches to work on, my very large kitchen worktop is exactly the same! We call it 'flat surface syndrome'! Clear flat surface, gets filled with stuff, gets tidied and the cycle starts again and only a little space left to work on!
Love those Brooches and Purses.
Julie xxxxxxxx

Cheryl said...

You are a seriously, creative person. Not sure I could pick one thing out as my favourite. The brooches are beautiful. Like felt candy.

The names of your hens are making me giggle. I love collecting the eggs. I never know how many we'll get as our hens are getting a bit long in the tooth. Not that they have teeth. That would be freaky!

Little Blue Mouse said...

Lovely makes, you've been very industrious in your absence!

I love that kind of sky in the first photo; dark steely blue but with the sun shining.

Annie said...

What a lovely catch up Fi. It's good to hear what you've been up to.
A x
ps I'm still managing my 20 minutes of crafting pretty much every day :-)

MarmaladeRose said...

YEY! You can't beat 20 minutes a day girls. Lets hear it for freaky chickens, it made me laugh. xx

French Nanny said...

Love the brooches - so sweet. When I come back to the UK I'm going to go on lots of courses, like your felt flower one...

Twiglet said...

More lovely stuff!! Your little brooches are fab - hope they seel well for you. x Jo

Twiglet said...


The Patchwork Heart said...

You make amazing stuff I love it all and feel proud to know you (if only in blogland!) Heather x

mckinkle said...

Hello Fi,

What a super catch up with your recent activities!

I especially adored your beautiful new rose coloured dress, wow it is stunning. Maybe you could give us another sneaky peak of it on the hanger then if you are camera shy as it would be a shame to miss out on such a gorgeous dress!

Happy creating!

Keryn x

Lyn said...

Fi what a great catch up I love that dramatic sky in the first photo and the crochet purses.

Annaboo's House said...

Oh, that view out of your bedroom window is dreamy.
Love the little crochet purses- and your 'inspiring' workstation!

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Gorgeous creations and i am glad someone else works in, what I like to call, 'organised chaos' :-)

Sandies' Patch said...

Super catch up post!
Love your views from your windows, the crochet on the dress is inspirational, love the lined crocheted purses,the little heart brooches, the felted flowers and your marigolds! I'm a bit envious of your marigolds as, mine must have been eaten by mice or birds or rotted as they haven't come up, not one!
I was going to make some marigold salve for my hands, have to see if I can cadge some or buy the dried petals from a herbalist or something.
Love the egg basket, lined with 'Little Chelsea' by Sanderson?
Have a great relaxing weekend!

Sandie xx

Anonymous said...

wow thats a whole bunch of lovely!

Sandi said...

Everything is gorgeous even your dear little chickens. Everything you make looks so neat, I'm not a much of a sew'er, sewer?? that word just doesn't look right, you know what I mean :)
So lovely to see you pop in and update us with your happenings, I think your dress would look lovely btw.
x Sandi

Naturally Carol said...

Hi your crocheted purses and their lovely flowers on the outside and inside and the sweetest colour combinations!

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

So sweet stuff :) If you like, join us on *PicStory* today: selfmade*. You are heartly invited. :) LG Tina

Grateful4Crochet said...

those brooches and purses are adorable!!!
and I love your first photo

Hazel said...

Lovely post! That first picture is amazing. x

carole said...

Hi Fi,
Those badges are gorgeous and everthing else too. What a lovely post, worth the wait.
And oooo what lovely eggs!!
Love Carole from Rossendale xxxx

Two Wednesdays said...

My house seems to have become like your workbench!
Loving the shot of the dress - and those those brooches, and the crochet....

Lilbitbrit said...

I love the felted flowers I think that they would look wonderful on a hat.

Lil Bit Brit

The Weaver of Grass said...

Have you ever thought of writing you own book of handicrafts, Fiona? I am sure you could do it, you do such lovely and innovative things.

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Everything beautiful as always!....Are you going to sell your brooches in your Folksy shop Fi?....I can definitely see one of those on my bag...I love them!...
Susan x

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Beautiful crochet work. And a beautiful view from your bed.

wonderwoman said...

Love all your makes, especially those gorgeous brooches!

Serenata said...

Love your work resembles mine!

I do like your dress (what I can see of it) looks very flattering and gorgeous belt with the crochet flowers.

Every time I see your chickens...I WANT some ;-)

Linda said...

I have been rubbish at posting on my own blog and visiting other peoples recently, but I always make my way to your blog first! The felt flowers are fab and the brooches lovely - you always manage to inspire me! Linda x

potterjotter said...

I love everything you make - you definitely have your own style which shows through in all your makes.

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hi Fiona,
Just to let you know that my badge arrived today and I love it...It is going to be perfect on my velvet bag...Thank you!
Susan x

Calico Kate said...

Oh lovely lovely lovely. I haven't been in blog land for quite a wee while and I confess had forgotten I was supposed to be doing 20mins of crafty stuff a day *hangs head in shame* I think 'real life' and 'stuff' got in my way but am HUGELY inspired again and will go this very eve to pick up my knitting needles. It's been lovely to be here and catch up with you doings, love the heart brooches and as for the little crochet purses they are soooooooooo pretty! I really must, Must MUST learn to crochet!
And get chickens again,
And do 20 mins craftyness,
And read blogs again .....

sara said...

It may be a mish-mash, but what a wonderful mish-mash it is.......the brooches are beautiful and the dress looks very pretty, and what a tonic to see another work bench as messy as mine.......I call it "organised chaos".


Mimi and Tilly said...

Wow you've been busy. Beautiful things, thanks youf ro sharing your creative adventures! Em xx

Claire said...

Hey Fi, what a delightful mish mash of bits and pieces.......

Love the first pic, ooooh those clouds, just beautiful. Woudln't like to be caught out in it though.

I'm like you, I work surrounded by mountains of stuff, no matter how much I clean and tidy up they keep reappearing, oh well.

Love your little crocheted purses, very sweet and your felt flowers are lovely. Must've been a fun workshop.

Look forward to your dress 'reveal'

Claire :}

Victoria said...

What truly beautiful things you have made. Inspiring. Thank you for sharing. x

Maggie Ann said...

Fiona, your posts are always a treat! When I worktable is overflowing and I too am reduced to work in a very small area. Doesn't stop us though does it! I love your brooches!! and your embellished belt. The dress looks wonderful....feminine and beautiful! I like it....Have a sunny, pleasant day!

Wendy said...

Such gorgeous makes! I have the exact same issue with my cutting table. There is about a 10 inch space to cut - fine if I'm cutting small things!! The crochet book looks great, I may have to invest

blueberry hill said...

Lovely - and loved the pic you did of your mum's house, very cute, what a great idea!

Miss Holly said...

I've been out of it too! miss seeing you and your lovely site....the orange flowers!! calendula's??? they are beautiful!! and I love the felted flowers...I've not tried any of that yet.....must add it to my long long list!!!!

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