Monday 14 February 2011

A New Hat

"I have a hat. It is graceful and feminine and has a wide brim with a red ribbon around the band. It gives me a certain dignity, as if I were attending a state funeral or something. People are generous in their compliments. Someday I may get up enough courage to wear it, instead of carrying it." From "Women Who Wear Hats Stand Heads Above the Rest" (by Irma Bombeck)

"A hat is a shameless flatterer, calling attention to an escaping curl, a tawny braid, a sprinkling of freckles over a pert nose, directing the eye to what is most unique about a face. Its curves emphasize a shining pair of eyes, a lofty forehead; its deep brim accentuates the pale tint of a cheek, creates an aura of prettiness, suggests a mystery that awakens curiosity in the onlooker." (Jeanine Larmoth)

"You cannot hide in a hat; you will be noticed, especially by men. To men, you become a lady when you don a hat--one who they rush to open doors for. To women, you become an inspiration, reminding them that they have a closet full of hats they have not had the courage to wear."
Aren't these 'hat quotes' wonderful? Maybe there is some truth in them too, I popped out in my new hat this afternoon and had a gentleman smile and step aside for me to walk in font of him! I'll maybe have to start wearing one all the time. lol
I crocheted this one in a single evening, making a basic beanie hat but adding a partial brim a bit like a bonnet so that it wouldn't get in the way of a scarf or collar at the back. I was after something close fitting that wouldn't be whipped away by the wild hilltop winds, but with a small brim to stop the icy rain from going in my eyes.

I originally bought the wool (Twilleys Freedom Spirit 100% wool) over a year ago with the intention of crocheting a cloche hat and then felting it in the washing machine but doing it this way is a bit hit and miss as the wool shrinks so much.

So in the end I used two strands of yarn together and just crocheted the hat and then made a fleece lining for it, to stop the wind whistling through.


And it's luuuuuuurvely, sooooo snuggly and warm.

I surely needed that cosy new hat when we visited Sedbergh, where I visited this little shop.

Would you like to go inside?

A little treasure trove of vintage pretties.

books and crockery

kitchen ware and thing-a-ma-bobs.

eiderdowns and linens.

bits and...


Oh, I nearly forgot; apparently the word fettle is an old Yorkshire word meaning to mend.


Right I'm off now, there's fettling to be done.

love fi x


Devon said...

You look beautiful in your new hat,,you should wear it out and the little shop kind of shop..well have a fabulous day,,cheers..

Cuckoo said...

You have just given me the solution I have been looking for. I have found the perfect wool to make a shawl from, perfect in it's softness and perfect colours but far too thin/fine. Double up the yarn!!! Genius!!! Oh hop skippity jump. THANK YOU!!!

Looving yer 'at too xx

sue said...

The hat, I love! The shop....I also love! Lucky you to have such a treasure trove close by.


love the hat quotes, gorgeous, you look very fetching in your new hat, fetching a lovely old fashioned word !i always look like les Dawson in a hat.. not chic like you!!! the shop looks great worth a visit, love fron this dale to the next.. Lindaxxx

Lululiz said...

You look fantastic in that hat! It is a really lovely shape.

Unknown said...

love the hat. it looks so soft

Sweet Birdy Love said...

My what lovely blue eyes you have Fi and the colours in the hat are very flattering too.
It sounds perfect for your climes.
I'm not, not, not going to click on the pics of the treasure trove you visited in Sedburgh. I don't want to see all those lovely bits and pieces in full screen detail, I'm already envious of your car boot sales and charity shops and the lovely 'finds' everyone makes in your corner of the globe.
Beautiful morning here, blue skies and sunshine but showers on the way.

Claire :}

Annie said...

I'm loving that hat Fi. The little shop looks like a real aladin's cave and just perfect for a good rummage. Lucky you.
A x

Sandi said...

Oh my, that hat is scrumptious and really brings out the blue in your eyes, you just have to wear it a lot. Hats used to look good on me when I had long hair, but look terrible now that my hair is short.
Aust. misses out on the sweet little shops like that, and I crave little shops like that!!
x Sandi

**Anne** said...

Your hat is gorgeous! That little shop looks soooo interesting.
Anne xx

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

What a gorgeous hat! And what a sweet little shop.

Ash said...

There is just no stopping you is there! From talking about a hat one day, I turn my back and there it is, done, dusted and wow ain't it looking great. You know if I had curls I might just be tempted to wear a hat like that - especially if the gents notice me!!!!!

TTFN Ash x

Tracey said...

Lovely hat and it suits you so well.

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Lovely hat, Fi. Love the shape and the colour. I really need to learn to crochet!
Susan x

Holly said...

Bravo! You look great in your new hat! I've always loved hats myself. Used to collect them in my younger years. Crocheted many this past holiday that sold very well! The big winner had a large flower on the side. I adore the hats that ladies flaunted in Victorian days. When I wear mine someone always says, "You look good in a hat though. I look terrible in one."

jill /Minty Pink said...

Such a pretty hat, and such a pretty shop!
You managed well to finish it in an evening... I am a little slower. You will still nedd it though as the weather seems to have turned much colder today!
Jill Cambridge

Jude said...

Fab hat..I live in them..always loved a hat!!
Look at all those buttons...let me at them!!!!!
Lovely shop
Take care

Fondant Kiss said...

You are such an inspiration, you look lovely in your hat, I still havent managed to crochet one that actually fits me properly! I have used your kitty pattern and blogged about her if you fancy popping over for a quick look!
Deb x

The Weaver of Grass said...

Love the word fettle, the farmer uses it every day.

Sednergh is one of my favourite towns (particularly Westwoods Bookshops) - we visit regularly as my god daughter lives there. Farfield Mill a mile this side of the town is also worth a visit if you are passing - and the cafe is nice too.

Love the hat. I head from Sue that you are now selling stuff on Etsy - hope it is going well.

Maggie Ann said...

What a treat to go shopping with you! Such an interesting shop. You look wonderful in your new hat...and I loved the quotes! I don't know why it takes a certain courage to wear a hat...for me anyway. I don't think I look well in them usually, but you definitley do. Thank you too for your sweet & understanding email to me.

potterjotter said...

Ohhh - I LOVE Sedbergh and the bookshops. Don't remember that shop though, so I'll have to go back and find it. Fettle is also a word used in pottery to mean cleaning up the rough bits of clay from a piece before firing.

Twiglet said...

Oh yes - the perfect hat for a wild n windy day - it suits you. I love the quotes.

val said...

I hope you do proudly wear your lovely hat, which is not only practical, distinctive but also very attractive! If it were mine I would wear it every day :0)
Enjoyed all the browsing time of vintage and lovely things and the little street. I am Yorkshire, living in Oxfordshire and it quite cheers me up to see your pictures of the dales. We used to go there every Saturday when I was a girl - on my dad's motor bike and sidecar, we lived in a coal mining village so your dales was a good place for us to have some good Fresh Air :0)
Have a lovely weekend Fi,
love Val xx

Karoline said...

Your new hat is lovely, congratulations.

The shop looks gorgeous, I'm going to have to make a trip up into the dales soon.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late but I only just found you via another blog. I just love your posts, read quite a few going back several weeks. Love the crafts you make too, and love Sedbergh, though it is many years since we visited the area, and that shop definitely wasn't there! Now am I glad about that or not... Hmm, maybe the bank account is heaving a sigh of relief! Love the hat too by the way.Not every woman can wear one, and thankfully for those of us who can't, we are out of the age when ladies had to wear hats! I shall call in again,if that's OK.

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