Saturday 2 August 2008

Cupboard Love x

I'm so excited!

What do you think of my new cupboard?

Now I know it's not pretty, but it will be! I'm thinking cream with soft pink doors and maybe some pretty floral fabric behind the glass.

We spotted it on our way home from a very strange garden, which I will show you another time. But back to my lovely cupboard.

Getting back into the car to drive home, I ask wonderful man if we could take a detour through a small village we usually bypass. And being the scrummy man he is, he said yes. So there we were trundling along when I spotted it. Laying on its side in the rain with an old freezer and kitchen cupboard for company, outside one of the cottages.

'OO! Look! Did you see that old cupboard!' I gasped 'Do you think they're throwing it out? or maybe they're decorating and have just put it outside, out of the way? No, they wouldn't have left it on its side, they would have stood it up. What do you think? Shall we go and ask? I don't think I dare, it would be so cheeky wouldn't it? Lets just drive back past and take another look!' I gabbled to wonderful man

We turned the car around and drove back. 'Shall I go and ask? What do you think?Nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?'

I jumped out of the car, imagining the whole village twitching net curtains. I knocked on the first door...No answer. I knocked on the door around the other side of the cottage...No answer. Back to the car to scribble a note. No paper! Hah! I'll use the back of an old receipt found crumple in the bottom of my bag. Good idea but its raining, it'll be paper mache before anyone finds it! I dived back into my bag, emptied the tissues out of the little pocket pack and slipped my little note in. Dashed out, back across the road and securely tucked the tissue packet under the string holding the cupboard doors shut. There! Done it!

And it paid off! Later that evening I got a phone call from a lovely lady, saying that the cupboard was waiting to be collected by the council to be disposed of, but if I really wanted it, it was mine. YIPEE!
So the next morning we set off to collect it. It was raining. The village was further away than I remembered it. The cupboard was bigger than I thought it was and it was way heavier than I imagined it would be! Gosh, it was heavy!
But what a lovely couple! What a lovely cottage! They made us coffee, we had a chat. It turns out, the cupboard belonged to Aunt Mary, who's in her 70's and before that it belonged to Aunt Mary's mum, who got it as a wedding present! So it's pretty darned old, and boy, is it heavy!

Any how, it's now residing in our back porch, waiting for its makeover! Let's hope it looks ok in our kitchen when it's done!
p.s. The black rectangle on the side is a built in mirror.


Anonymous said...

OMG I am soooo excited for you! And it has to be said a tad jealous Fi, that is one stunning find.
What a lovely heart-warming story, love that your cupboard has History. Can't wait to see the maekover too, I think the colours you've mentioned (cream and pink with rosy fabric behind glass) will be stunning. oooooo lucky you!
ps would soooooo love you to live next door too, I'll let you know if a for sale board ever goes up :o)

Gill said...

What a great story and nice to hear you have a fella who doesn't make a fuss about you bringing home an old cupboard found by the side of the road! My Husband's pretty laid back when I bring home another piece of old junk and he can even see the appeal of a tatty old piece of furniture now. Your cupboard will look gorgeous and how nice that it's going to a loving home instead of the council dump.

Sal said...

Can't wait to see the end product!
What a great find ;-)

Anonymous said...


je viens souvent visiter votre blog car j aime ce que vous faites
et j aime aussi enormement le yorkshire je suis deja venue plusieurs fois et j ai eu un coup de coeur enorme pour cette magnifique region
desolee d ecrire en francais mais mon anglais est tres petit(POUR TRADUIRE JE ME SERS DE TRANSLATE)
pour ce meuble moi je le verrrais bien en rose et vert tendre avec des pochoirs sur les portes
j espere que vous nous ferez profiter de son avancement
je vous souhaite une belle journeee et continuez a nous faire voir des photos de votre magnifique ^pays pour moi c est un reel bonheur
belle journee

marie claude

MarmaladeRose said...

Marie Claude

Merci pour visiter mon blog. Vos commentaires m'ont rendu très heureux. Désolé, je ne parle pas français. Je vous ai fait employer dessus une ligne traducteur pour écrire ceci.

Fi x

pinkgreen said...

I love those cupboards - we have one in our allotment as our kitchen where we make tea for the girls and coffee for us! I would love one in my kitchen at home, but don't have the room. I can't wait to see the finished result!
Cathy XX

Carol said...

Brilliant. It would have made my day to have found such a great piece of furniture.
I cannot wait to see what yoy do with it.
Mu Mum had a very simliar one in our home.
Carol x
Still loving your cute Bunniesxx

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