Saturday 5 April 2008

My Attic Studio

Well that's a very grand title for what is actually the guest room! I took the pictures just after my guests had departed, before I had chance to make a mess. I'm sure future photos won't look anywhere near as tidy, and since you're all still getting to know me, I thought it should be neat for your first visit!

My wonderful man thinks we should have this room as our bedroom, but I think it would be a waste just to sleep in it! Beside the fact that there is nowhere for wardrobes, because of the sloping ceilings.
There are quite a lot of doors up here. The little ones on either side of the stairs are to the eves storage space (I have one side, full of storage boxes containing fabric etc, wonderful man has the other, full stuff, both chockablock!) Next to the bed is a little cupboard shelved out for my card crafting stuff, and it has a hanging rail for guests. (well I had to make some concessions.) The door next to that houses the water tank, (boring) and then the door next to the radiator by the veluxe window is to a shower room.
So ladies, shall we climb the stairs and take a look!
I hang my collection of embroidered tablecloths and linens over the banister as they're too pretty to be left in a drawer, I like to see them all the time.
We're now at the top of the stairs, looking towards my sewing table. The baskets beneath are full wool. 
The pine sideboard lived in our dining room at the last house, you should have seen the removal men's faces when I asked them to pop it up two flights of stairs to the attic! The little door is 'wonderful mans' storage space, with a pretty sheet of gift wrap, showing fairies around a fish pond, stuck on it from my mum.
That's my door to the eves storage, I told wonderful man that I needed that side as there is more room for me to be dragging boxes of fabric out at the top of the stairs. The real reason is, my bottoms too big to be squeezing past the banister rail at his side!!!
The book shelf is stuffed with my craft and sewing books, every time I slot a new one in, I expect the side of the book shelf to ping off! The bottom shelf houses my 'Country Living' and 'Beautiful Homes' magazines. The black tripoddy thingy is 'wonderful mans' telescope. I've squished it as far into a corner as I can, cos its really too ugly to be in my studio. (hmm! I may have to make a flowery cover to go over it!) The ironing board also lives around this corner and I just have room to put it up next to the bed! This doesn't happen very often as I avoid ironing at all costs!
Then we're back to the top of the stairs. This is the view from the window, rather a rainy one! I tend to weather watch from here as it faces west and I can see the dark rain clouds aproaching from Cumbria and the Lakes.
And lastly a close up of the sewing table, I'm afraid this is never clear, whether we have guests staying or not!
So there you have it. My little world. I hope you enjoyed your visit and feel you know me a little better.
This blogging malarkey has made me realise that the more you give on your blog, the more fulfilling and rewarding it is. And for someone who is quite private, its not always easy. I'd like to say thanks for all the lovely comments I've had so far, and I'm still getting to grips with blogging etiquette, so if I'm not doing something I should please let me know.
Till next time...Fi x


Gill said...

I have serious studio envy here, what a fabulous room, I would go without chocolate for ever for a room like that! It must be tricky when you have guests, invading your space :)
Looking foward to seeing what you create in your lovely studio.

Sal said...

I love you attic room. We had a room built in our attic last year..I love it as it really is an escape! Great pics! Sal;-)

Alchamillamolly said...

Like Gill I also have serious studio envy - what a wonderful room it is. I had a work room in my last house and a trestle table made from a door and two ikea trestles as I stood up most of the time making curtains. People now ask me why I dont make curtains anymore but its no joke without those facilities. I have a day off work today so I have painted a bit and now am having a little blog with a cuppa.

Anonymous said...

ooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Your room is wonderful Fi, it makes my attic studio look like a jumble sale. I was going to post my own pics on my blog but way too embarrassed now lol!
Don't you just love pics of peoples work spaces, I love this one very very much
I must seriously get to work on my own space, you've inspired me! :o)

Anonymous said...

oh poo, the link didn't work....the studio belongs to Vanessa at
look at her archives November 9th.

Anonymous said...

oh, how lovely. I would love a little niche to work on projects!!

By the way I love your work.

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