Thursday 23 January 2014

Bunny Building for the Future.

 I'm not one for New Years resolutions as such, after all no one ever keeps them do they? But I started the year with the desire to make a change. 
How much time have I wasted in the past putting things off that really when it came down to it weren't all that difficult to do. How many times have I not known what to make, so I've made nothing! Sound familiar? Well I will do my best to change that this year. 

So far I have done a really big thing. Something that I usually put off and put off and put off, sometimes for months!
I made an appointment for a check up at the dentist!
Don't laugh! It's not THAT funny.
No, on a more serious note, I've already applied for...well I won't say how many...but more than a couple of craft/art fairs. I don't mean a little table in the local school hall kind of craft fair. I mean Yarndale-size 3-day event craft fairs! 
Well it seemed like a good idea at the time... my little fingers quite willingly tippety tapped on my keyboard filling in the application forms. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pay for them yet though as they all want paying up front in the next few weeks even though the events may not be until the end of the year.
And of course there is the big question of what shall I make for them?
Actually you could maybe help me with that. What do you like to see at craft fairs? What draws you over to a stand for a closer look? 
Anyhow, with my new anti-procrastination rule and the need to earn some money to pay for the craft fairs I've knuckled down to bunny making! Ok they're not new but I thought it best to just get on and make SOMETHING rather than do the P word. So until inspiration strikes I'll be bunnying!
Creativity creates creativity...

I'll keep you posted ;)
love Fi x

PS.  Zelna Olivier - I tried to contact you but you didn't leave me your email. The lining goes in the crochet hexy bag last!


Elderberry-Rob said...

Felted bags, purses, passport cover, felty everything! good luck with the craft fayres (I like your feltwork which includes a bit of ribbon flowery stuff as in the earlier days) I would also put in a couple of big embroidered wedding cakes for the summer fayres - I have enjoyed the journey with you through blogland from kitchen table artist to professional, fully fledged business woman! Betty

Annie said...

Bunny making while waiting for inspiration sounds like a great idea to me cos you know they will all fly off the shelves :-)
Good luck with getting new ideas...I'm all out of ideas and when my mojo rakes a vacation I knit :-)
Annie x

the vanilla squirrel said...

Oh I love your bunnies and your blog..... Only just discovered you! X

Twiglet said...

Your bunnies are a good way to keep ticking over. I am sure if I came to one of your craft fairs - your table would be the first I would head to! I like variety and lots of different techniques on show! Good luck with them all x Jo

Zelna said...

Hi Fiona. Thanks for your reply regarding the hexagon bag - totally in love with it. I had an idea to make a sunflower one but did not have a pattern. My prototype turned out useable, but not great! Did give you a mention on my blog though, kindest regards, Zelna.

linda said...

Good luck with the craft fairs I hope you do very well, making an appointment for the dentist is huge, I know because I took a deep breath and made one too yesterday still have a week to wait for the big day so I can breathe for now haha I love the bunnies so sweet, I also love bags but to be honest anything crafty draws mw. :)

Amanda Peters said...

Love the rabbits, make some bags they do well, and strangely people have asked for pinnie when I have done a stall.

Beverley said...

Bunnies. Aprons. Bags. Book covers. Hot water bottle covers.
Cushions. Table runners. Just a few ideas.

Carol said...

Well definitely bunnies. Perhaps birds. Cushions. Small felted pictures. Bags. I think the main thing is pitching your price correctly. Sadly many people doo not realise how long things take to make, how much skill is needed or even the cost of stall and getting to venue.
I'm already looking forward to Yarndale!
Carol xx
P.s. Obviously you need to have a supply of your lovely cards to sell.

Jacqui Galloway said...

The 'P'word is a killer! Love the bunnies x

KC'sCourt! said...

Love the bunnies - I know exactly how you are feeling, I'm doing a fair at Easter, not a big one like you, but I do need to fill the table!
Good luck at the dentist
Julie xxxxx

Mrs H.H said...

Oh what lovely bunnies ! Good luck with the fairs, keep going. Glad to have discovered your blog

Fiddly Fingers said...

The embroidery on your bunnies is beautiful, it must take you ages and how do you make it pay? I get drawn to a stall by pretty things - you should have no problem encouraging people to your stall as all your items are to die for :)

Pat said...

Your bunnies are beautifully made. I love them xx Pat

The Weaver of Grass said...

My advice would be to make as large a variety as possible - then at least there will be something to appeal to everyone. Your stuff is just absolutely beautiful Fiona, and so very expertly done - so do hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

Fiona this post made me smile,
I conjured up images in my mind of a full scale Bunny production line like something out of Wallace & grommet! LOL
I do like a nice Bunny grommet!

hugs Pam

Lorna said...

Your bunnies are so sweet. Good luck with the craft fairs - are the tables very expensive??

Boo Textiles said...

Loved your stall at Yarndale - the kits are always a good idea. I adore the bunnies and everything else you make to be honest. I think you will do brilliantly if you sell a good variety like you did at Yarndale. Hope the card machine works for you next time!!

Anonymous said...

I have been scratching my head over the last couple of months as to what to sell on my stall in July. Unlike you, my customers are a captured audience at a conference, but that means they have seen it all before! Hhhmmm something new and different! I always like stalls that are crisp, bright and slightly unusual, which is you down to a 'T'! Something from each of your crafty skills. :-)

Sam I Am...... said...

Love bunnies...I'm partial to them. I don't go to craft fairs as I am a creator myself...I like to be self-sufficient and with my budget I almost have ot be anyway. LOL!
But if I were to go to a craft fair..I would be attracted to unique things or common things done in a unique your bunnies...I've never seen any like the ones you're making. Also, things that I wouldn't or couldn't make myself.
I heard one blogger say something the other day about creating and trying to make a living and creativity itself...and it was something about 100...she was going to make a 100 items and then the creativity would start flowing out of her. I'm going to try it, I think because I have never created anything on my own...always other people's ideas or patterns etc. You are already a creator but me not so much.

Linda Metcalf said...

The first thing that I look for is homemade soaps. I love bags of potpourri anything lavender filled. Dried wreaths are great...but I do love these bunnies!!! I have also been seeing a lot of oven mitts on line. You do such meticulous work anything you do will be lovely!

Dinkyflowerpots said...

Hello Fi! I am new to your blog and looking forward to a really good read. There are some interesting things within these pages! :)
Best wishes,

Josie said...

Your bunnies are so adorable and your stitching skills are nothing short of inspirational! Looking forward to looks more lovely posts in 2014.

ganhar seguidores no instagram said...

Muito bom o poste!

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