Tuesday 27 April 2010

Wensleydale Longwool Sheepshop


I'm feeling a bit bogged-under!

The weekend before last, I foolishly suggested to the family that we needed to swap bedrooms around to make the best possible use of the rooms we have. (I must learn to keep my mouth shut.)
You see wonderful man works from home, ideally I need somewhere to sew, we need a bedroom, we have 2 teenagers who need a bedroom each and we also need a room with a double bed for guests.(All our relatives live at least 120 miles away) Now I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to maths, but I make that an idealistic 6 rooms.

We don't have 6 bedrooms.

Well I won't bore you with all the gorey details and ins and outs but you can see from the photo above it's not been simple! This was my attic studio/guest bedroom, it is now my teenage daughters bedroom/my sewing room and guest bedroom when needed!

We desperately need some more bedroom furniture as my clothes are now residing on my bedroom floor due to a reassignment of my chest of drawers! I've now reached a plateau with my sorting, tidying and condensing. I really can't find anywhere else to stuff...stuff! Aaaaaaargh!

So when a friend asked if I fancied a ride down the Dale to the Wensleydale Longwool Sheepshop, I jumped at the chance.

Aaaaaaaaah... I feel better already. Look at all that beautiful soft wool. The colours are the most scrumptious shades.
And the smell... hmmm, a lovely... well... woolly smell.

That's a picture a Wensleydale sheep on the wall. They have very long lustrous ringlets of wool. Rather pretty as sheep go, don't you think?

Ann and Ruth don't just sell the wool from their sheep, there are also lots of other goodies, all wool related.

Pretty buttons in finger-fiddling sized baskets. You can't help but dip in and feel their smooth flat surfaces.

The most wonderfully elegant knitting needles and crochet hooks. Very tactile.

And...my favourite. Curly wool tops in a rainbow of softness.
Gosh I'm feeling much better now.

I have a something new to show you next time.
But before I go I want to say thank you for all of your encouraging words and sentiments. Thank you for being there. It's great to have you along for the ride!
Love Fi x


maryannlucy said...

Nothing better than a girly day out to soothe the soul x

wonderwoman said...

that brings back memories - i went there about 10 years ago - i used to keep wensleydale sheep for a while - had some black ones - their fleeces are the best!!

Crafts @ Home said...

Oh, so I'm not the only one living in utter chaos, and still going out and buying more....!?!? Hmmmm.

Annie Jeffries said...

Well, you definitely found the cure. Nothing like a gurly day to make everything right again.

You know - we have a saying - If it ain't broken, don't fix it. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh that was a yummy shop, lucky you!! :)
Vivienne x

lynn said...

wish i was along for thee ride off to checkout your link...don't worry about the rooms think yarny things instead xxx

Jennifer said...

I can see why you jumped at the chance, it looks like a wonderful shop. Nothing to soothe the soul like holding luscious yarn and related goodies. Looking forward to seeing what you've been working on.

Aunty Bee said...

You were right to take a trip away from the mess, I often do the same and come back recharged and ready to go. Of course the husband has banned me from any more room reorganising...........mmm thimk I need to change round the bedroom.

Jude said...

Ohh, I like that shop..
(but what do you do with curly tops??)
That room looks like mine..hehe!!
Take care

Marigold Jam said...

I too can see how a trip to that shop might recharge the batteries! How fabulous it must have bveen difficult not to come home laden? Love those pretty colourful tops - had some natural ones once but never did find a way to spin them and retain the curly effect in the yarn!


Lululiz said...

What a wonderful girly day out. Immerse yourself in wool and buttons, and you come out a new woman, lol.

Lululiz said...

What a wonderful girly day out. Immerse yourself in wool and buttons, and you come out a new woman, lol.

KC'sCourt! said...

Good luck with the sorting! Lovely shop I would be there everyday all day if I lived near!

Twiglet said...

I just love those Wensleydale curls - they are my favourite thing to "dumf". I might have to visit the shop myself - thanks for sharing the trip! Don't stress about the mess - it will sort itself out eventually - says she who should be tidying her craft room and not blogging!!!!!

Anonymous said...

At least you have the excuse that you are sorting things out!! I tried to sort at the beginning of the year, but the bed in our office/bedroom/sewing room is no longer visible! The sorting went to pot as I found I needed a lot of 'stuff' around me!! I think I need a trip to a woolly place too! Aaaah That's better! Thank you.

penny said...

What a fabulous shop! Somehow there's always room for just a little bit more, isn't there?!

Serenata said...

That's exactly what happens when I try and have a sort out - where do I 'stuff' the stuff?!

That sheepswool shop looks wonderful, I think I could have spent a fortune in there.

Marmalade Yarns said...

omg, I so want to go, now I know why I love Yorkshire! glad you had a good day, we all need it sometime! lol maxine

The Weaver of Grass said...

You should have both called in for a cup of tea, we are virtually next door to the sheepshop. It is lovely in there isn't it.

Annie said...

Oh wow Fi. Why don't I live near there. What a fab shop. Jo and I saw curly sheep at the Woolfest at Builthwells last Saturday and I rather fancied having one to graze our back garden so we could give it a trim when we needed supplies. I just love the wool curls. What fab colours.
A x
ps We are both still keeping up our 20 minutes of crafting every day whether it be dumfing or knitting or something else that takes our fancy so thanks for the encouragement.

Anonymous said...

It's so funny that you have just done a bedroom change over because so have we.

We have three bedrooms and one child. Our largest bedroom is the same size as our sitting room, so we used this as an upstairs family,comfortable, TV, Xbox, sterio room.

Number one son had his own bedroom; which he only slept in and was always in the other room.

So with major change around, not to bore you, he has what I call a bedsit and I now have a studio/sewing room. Hurrah !!!

Lil Bit Brit

val said...

I had a very enjoyable ride with you ........ from your topsy turvy bedrooms ..... out and about the lovely countryside of Wensleydale and finally at that oh so gorgeous Longwool Sheepshop! Thanks for the pleasure Fi !
love Val

Unknown said...

What an amazing shop - love the wool, the buttons and the needles. I'd spend so much there

Jennie said...

LOL I know how it feels to be moving rooms around, always seems a good idea at the time then midway you wonder why on earth you started. However the end result always proves it to be worth it.
Love the shop can see why you find it so soothing. x

Karen Peacock said...

Ha, your attic looks like mine now, xx

mckinkle said...

Blimey what a busy time you have of it! Changing rooms is not for the faint hearted clearly!! You will look back on this and laugh!!

Good luck with the rest of the reshuffle!

Look at all of those beautiful shades of wools! The buttons - oooh!

Thanks for sharing!

Keryn x

Diane said...

I feel like I came with you too! We "repurposed" our upstairs rooms (4 bedrooms) last year as the kids needed somewhere to entertain their friends - so they now have a sitting room upstairs - but I lost a craft room, and if you notice, my "craft" blog has become anything but!! because its too much effort to get everything out. xxx

Jude said...

Umm.. is ti only mr..I'm not getting your next post..

Anonymous said...

Hi Fi

If it makes you feel any better, your sewing room looks like my guest room! I glad someone else has a 'stuff' problem, after looking at lots of bloggers' spotless houses, I was starting to think I was the only one!
The wool shop looks gorgeous,glad you had a lovely day!
a-m x

Calico Kate said...

Definately an AAAGGGHHH!! moment there, thank goodness for friendand wool shops. Very envious of you haveing such an amazing shop nearby. Those knitting needles look so lovely almost too good to knit with.

Lulu said...

oh man, i would be in that store all day...look at all the lovely colors of yarn and all the needles..i would want to buy it all and all the marvelous buttons..simply gorgeous..

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