Wednesday 23 July 2008

Kidston Therapy

I'm just having a short break, up in the attic room. I've been baking and washing bedding all day in preparation for guests arriving tomorrow. Yes I know it's a bit last minute, but that's the kinda girl I am! Always have been! Even as a schoolgirl, homework was always done the night before. I think I have some sort of internal time clock that lets me know just how much time is needed for each task and I must say it usually works out fine! I also think, when you have a dog, a cat and two teenage children, cleaning and tidying more than the day before is a complete waste of time, as it only has to be done again!
Well that's my theory anyway.

Changing the subject completely, here are some pretties from Cath Kidston. I was feeling the need for some retail therapy and living in the middle of nowhere, it's not possible to pop into the city and flash some cash! So I did it on the inter web instead. Aaah, just as satisfying! Here are some pretty, and I must say half price teatowels, lilac and lavendar soap, handcream and bath salts! The latter is destined to be a Christmas gift as I'm a showerer rather than a bather.

Completely changing the subject again, (see, I am in a tidying and sorting mood) I have received this Award from the lovely Carol at Katherines Dream!
The Brilliante Weblog Award which is given for "Brilliant Photos and Text" I must say I'm shocked and surprised, and just a little amazed, but in a nice way of course! Thank you very much Carol.
Now then, apparently this award comes with a rule. I am to pass this award on to 7 other deserving bloggers. Golly! What a responsibility! How can I choose only 7? There are soooo many lovely blogs out there. So.......... I'm not going to! There I said it! Gosh I feel really empowered and naughty! hehe!

Let me explain... I'm still quite new to blogging, and I enjoy it very much. For me it's something I can do in the privacy of my own home, not bothering anyone else. I can be who I want to be, do what I want to do, join in when I feel like it and stay away when I don't! For someone who has always toed the line, always done what was expected, always abide by the rules, always tried to please everyone else, blogging for me is totally self indulgent!

So although I really enjoy reading about other bloggers being tagged etc, I'm not sure I want to be tagged myself, the only way I can explain it, is its a bit like school homework, you may have enjoyed the lesson at school, but you don't necessarily want to be given homework to do! Do you know what I mean? I hope you don't think I'm a really bad person! I just feel this is the only place that I can have a degree of control in my little blog life. Its sooo lovely here! I hope you all still let me come and play?
Once again, thank you so much Carol the award is really appreciated!

love Fi x


Gem said...

You sound just like me - I'm always on the last minute doing everything! I try and kid myself it's because I thrive under pressure but I think I may be just a bit disorganised.... :)

Sal said...

It's great to escape to an attic room! I often escape to mine.
It's a place where noone can pass through... and I can hear myself think up there.
I love the view from yours!;-)

Ragged Roses said...

Hello and thank you for visiting my blog! Congrats on your award. Love the view from your window. I always use to do my homework and revision right at the last minute and still suffer the anxiety dreams!

willywagtail said...

Heloo. I must have missed this post when it came out but still wanted to comment. I have to agree with you totally about mass awards. I think they get a bit like Christmas - must do sort of thing. I think the idea behind is probably kindly meant though, a way of advertising more blogs but as you say that is not the point for all bloggers - some blog for advertising and some do it for inner reasons. Anyway I just wanted to say I appreciat your point. Cherrie~

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