Wednesday 11 May 2011

Guerrilla Knitting

Psssst....over here...look what I did!

I've been wanting to do a spot of yarnstorming for a looooong time now.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to google images and type in guerrilla knitting or yarnbombing.

Now I have to say I don't agree with all yarnstorming. For example, I don't think you should cover a whole tree with it, after all a tree is beautiful in its own right but an ugly grey sign post or railing...well that's a completely different matter!

Would this make you smile?

Inoffensive street art, causing no damage, easily removed even biodegradable as its pure wool. Of course it's got to be done tastefully, some of the guerrill knitting out there is down right tatty and ugly in my opinion. But with a little thought and care it can look pretty, funny, interesting, witty and inspiring.

Got to go the yarn is calling!



Vintage from the Village said...

Great fun but I dont think I would be brave enough !!

Pomona said...

Wow! But if I made something as pretty as that, I that I would want to keep it!

Pomona x

potterjotter said...

What a rebel you are! And such a good cause - yes it would and did make me smile!

Lucy in the Clouds said...

I'd love to do something like this - but knowing my luck I'd get caught by the police - they always seem to catch me when I'm doing something unusual (though not illegal!) - I'd never be able to make anything as pretty as this either!

Caroline Lovis (Redneedle) said...

It's good to be a little bit 'naughty' sometimes. Had never heard of guerilla knitting, am going to research.

Sweet Seahorse said...

I love it! Stupid question time - how did you attach it to the pole? Do you sew it on, or crochet the sides together, or did you attach buttons? And yes I have seen this sort of thing before and I wondered then too how it was done.

mckinkle said...

Oh I did laugh at this!
I cant help but giggle at the thought of you quietly and carefully putting it into place!

Look forward to seeing some more!

Keryn x

Carol said...

Wonderful, it would make me smile.
Carol xx

Anonymous said...

Wow, amazing, I love it, but I wouldn'd dare to do anything like that in my parts. You're awesome.

Lululiz said...

Tehehe, well done, I think it looks terrific and most definitely beautifies an otherwise pretty boring post.

ShabbyChicShaz said...

That looks lovely, go girl, go! Did you sneak it on under the cover of darkness? That pole looks oodles better, if only more poles were dressed the same way, we'd all smile alot more :)

Jude said...

Like it
Take care

Lorna @scrapsnscribbles/letssewit said...

yes that would make me smile if i saw it while out and about.

Country Cottage Chic said...

It looks so sweet & pretty - who could object?


Sue said...

I LOVE it! Everything should be decorated beautifully with yarn! I will be yarnbombing myself quite soon............on a bench in one of our local gardens, the bench will have a plaque for my Nan on it, she loved to crochet so I think she would heartedly approve of yarnbombing :o)

Unknown said...

That would definitely make me smile!

Roxanne said...

Thank you for the belly laugh I just had. Your guerilla knitting picture was so unexpected. Delightful.

Annie Jeffries said...

I smiled. I laughed. I gauffed. Great piece of gorilla work. I wonder how long it will last.

Scented Sweetpeas said...

lol I love that, that has really made me smile. I usually try and plant random flowers round I village to bring cheer in unexpected places but I love that idea!

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

So brave and daring... cool way to bring crochet to the masses!

Becky Buckle said...

Thats Hawes is it not? Outside the ropemakers? I witnessed yarnbombing in Gloucester, and thought it looked fabulous.

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