Hello my lovely friends. You join me today, on a little pick-me-up afternoon out. Yes we all need them now and again don't we and today was my turn. We tootled over to Muker in Swaledale. You join us just as we get to the hair raising bit on the
Buttertubs Pass (see the start of the safety barriers or as Jeremy Clarkson calls it...the little green hosepipe!) As I've mentioned before the Buttertubs Pass takes us over the top of the fells from Wensleydale to Swaledale and is quite breathe-taking if a little bit scary.
and down into...
Beautiful Swaledale.
To the left we have the tiny village of Thwaite but we're turning right to...
Lots of stone barns, blue sky and buttercup meadows.
A little stop for lunch at
Muker Village Tea Room
and enjoyed our surroundings
It would have been rude not to visit the
Swaledale Woollens shop. Yes that is a sheep on the roof. (Not a real one!)
Look what we spied through the door to the stock room! A label clearly saying 'Prince Charles Order', OOOO Er!
Yes apparently he has his gloves hand knitted here. Now there's a good quiz question for you, if you are ever in need of a good quiz question that is!

Next door is the gift shop and gallery.
Back in the car now and a little detour to somewhere that I've never been to before...
Small and compact, this is the
village pub.
Turn the car around and back on our short journey to Reeth.
Aaaaah, good to be out of the car again, bimbling about amongst natures pretties.
little houses
Pretty places to stay
Pretty places to eat
Pretty places to shop
Much prettiness
at every turn
don't you think.
Not to mention pretty decent prices too
Time to head home
back through Muker
past secret waterfalls
and over Fell tops
over the Buttertubs again (I don't like this side, it's even closer to the green hosepipe!)
we've dodged lots of sheep on our way home.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, if you fancy your own virtual ride over the Buttertubs Pass there are lots on You Tube even one by Jeremy Clarkson apparently!
Who'd have thought!
Love Fi x
Hi, Thanks for this wonderful trip through Swaledale -one of our favourite areas, such lovely pics of well-known places, looking forward to our stay in Thwaite next month!
We were so lucky to visit this beautiful part of the world in 2008. We walked from Keld to Muker along the Penine Way and it was delightful... and those buttercup meadows! Oh I want to go back! It is my favourite part of England. You are so lucky to live there
Oh my goodness! Your world is absolutely breathtaking!!!!! And what a wonderful day you had! I wish I could have been with you on this outing!
Thanks for sharing this lovely day out with us. Beautiful scenery you have there. Aren't we lucky to live in such a lovely country?
Thanks for the visit. Must visit one day!
Julie xxxx
Thank you so much. I needed a trip out and that hit the spot! Lovely! So good of you to share. :)
How nice! I feel like I've had a wonderful day out with you whilst I've had my coffee this morning - thank you so much!
Looks like you had a smashing day?
Thanks for the day out - I loved it. Love the Yorkshire prices in the car park!!! xxx
What a wonderful post about a beautiful part of the world. Many thanks x
You live in such a beautiful part of the country. keep the gorgeous photos coming!
Thank you I enjoyed that trip out.
Happy memories!! Thanks for the trip - what a splendid day out!
What a wonderful afternoon out. I've never been to that part of the country but it is so pretty. x
What a beautiful part of the world, and a wonderful day out. Thank you for sharing :-)
What a lovely trip out, you really do live in a beautiful part of the UK.
Thanks for taking us along for the ride.
Oh thank you for such a wonderful day out in the car, and I didn't even get sick sitting in the back, must be Karen's good driving!!!
One day I will really be putting my feet down on the beautiful Yorkshire dirt, but until then I will enjoy my back seat tours.
Hugs Sandi x
what a great post - it is just so beautiful over your way
Oh England's green and pleasant land.
Thank you for that bit of escapism.
Wow what beautiful photos, the scenery is to die for....
Could I be added to the 20 minutes bloggers please, I don't sew, knit or crochet wish I had learnt now but I do craft and would love to surround myself with bloggers who will motivate me into spending 20 minutes a day doing something I enjoy...
My name is Maria my blog is http://ajourneythatstartshere.blogspot.com
PS your work is beautiful I so love the gorgeous handbags and those cakes that you have made.... Wow
Hi Fiona, That was such a lovely break for you and also for me, I have so many happy memories of being in Swaledale and Wensleydale. Real James Herriott country! We once took a young American friend to find lots of the locations from the TV series (of course we had to photo her in every place! Especially the water splash) her family were avid watchers of the series so we made a scrap book for them.
Thanks so much for sharing
Val xx
Delightful old buldings thank,s for the outing....Tracy
Ahh, so lovely. We were blessed to be able to visit this area...quite a few years ago. We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast at Oxnop. It was our best vacation. Ever. Thanks for the memories and beautiful pictures!
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