Hello. There's not much time today, are you ready for a quick walk? Gosh Sneaky Dog is already way in front. We're on the hunt for some wild garlic.

Well actually we won't have to hunt very far as there is some wild garlic just there! There! In the bottom left hand corner of the picture! See it? Mmm... it smells gorgeous.

This is an unusual sight around here, it's usually sheep!

Can you see the waterfall through the trees?

That's better, I'm stood on a little bridge to view the waterfall properly.

Follow the dog up the steps

along side the stream.

Sharp right and up a steep bank where we are rewarded with this view.

Can you spot Sneaky Dog? 10 more minutes and we'll be home.

Don't you just LOVE England.

And here is our garlic. We shall have some of the flower heads in our salad and chop some up and mix them into some cream cheese. Hmmmm! Delicious! Mustn't forget to pop a couple of the leaves into a bottle of olive oil too.
That's it! Sorry about the rush but child #2 want to borrow MY laptop!
See you soon
Love Fi x
I really loved taking a womble through that beautiful countryside with you, thank you!
Wild garlic, sigh, you are so lucky to have some. I bought some chopped wild garlic in olive oil in France quite local to where our cottage is, and I loved that so much. Just that on fresh French bread, totally delicious.
what a wonderful walk , thanks for that:) x x
i can smell the garlic and oh those BUTTERCUPS....big sigh....lynnie
Fabulous walk, and wonderful wild garlic. The flowers taste like garlic butte to me. xx
I love waterfalls. You are lucky to have them near where you live. It's too flat here in Suffolk for them.
How lovely! Thanks for sharing this trip with us! It was beautiful! Made me want to get back over to England.
That was a tonic to a weary soul I can tell you
Fancy finding wild garlic, Ive never been lucky enough to find any but I can imagine it must be wonderful - food tastes much nicer when it involves a spot of foraging doesn't it!
Love Julia xxx
This was a lovely reminder of my visit to Housesteads Ford/Hadrian's Wall a couple of weeks ago on a tour of England. How I would love to be able to go walking across the Yorkshire Dales every day! Such beauty and wide open views and that huge, huge sky. I took lots of photos from the old Roman ruins that day. Just gorgeous. I love your beautiful country.
i loved the quick walk past buttercups and goats,wild garlic, skipping by the waterfall, lovely,
felicity xx
I have discovered your lovely blog via Marmalade Yarns who recommended your blog. I am on a crochet course with them.
Isabelle x
Enjoyed the walk Fiona - and the may blossom in the photograph. Aren't we lucky to live up here?
Oh what a gorgeous walk I had. I didn't know you could use the flowers of wild garlic. We had loads in our orchard but it's all finished now. Next year...
Thanks for the gorgeous walk - I can smell that lovely wild garlic from here x
Beautiful photos!
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